
Suleiman Kerimov: senator, oligarch and philanthropist who intends to transform Derbent

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Suleiman Kerimov: senator, oligarch and philanthropist who intends to transform Derbent

In 2019, the senator from Dagestan Suleiman Kerimov confirmed the status of one of the richest people in Russia and the world (a fortune of $ 6.3 billion) on the Forbes list. Now part of Kerimov’s assets - shares of the gold mining company Polyus Gold and Makhachkala Airport - belong to his son Said Kerimov, and many other assets are transferred to the management of the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation charity background. The senator has long been engaged in charity work, including supporting his native Dagestan. In the coming years, the efforts of Karimov will gain a new life in the ancient city of Derbent.


Suleiman Abusaidovich Kerimov was born in Dagestan. At first, he planned a career as an engineer, but after serving in the army, he transferred from the polytechnic to the economics department of the Lenin State University.

He began his career in 1989 at the Eltav electric plant in Makhachkala, where he immediately appreciated the capabilities of the young economist. For five years, Karimov rose to the post of assistant director of the enterprise. In 1993, Kerimov was transferred to the Moscow Fedprombank, which was engaged in lending to enterprises. Work in the bank revealed Kerimov’s investment talent, which as a result brought him to the world ranking of the richest people.

Kerimov built his own financial empire through the Nafta-Moscow company. She earned huge profits on the purchase and sale of shares of Sberbank and Gazprom, shares of the largest development companies, Polymetal and Uralkali shares and many other transactions. Kerimov’s financial instinct for profitable assets and the moments when they need to be bought and sold were not always faultless. However, the strategic investor made conclusions from failures, changing tactics of behavior in time.

In 2009, Kerimov became one of the shareholders of the largest gold miner Polyus Gold. Currently, the company is almost a family business of Kerimov and is developing the largest deposits in the country.


Political activity

In 1999 and 2003, Karimov was elected to the State Duma of the 3rd and 4th convocations. Since 2008, represents the interests of Dagestan in the upper house of parliament. He is a holder of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", II degree.


In 2007, Karimov created the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation, which he later transferred most of his business assets to. Charity is an integral part of Kerimov’s activities throughout his career. Karimov’s structures actively support education. With the participation of the senator, a branch of the Sirius educational center was opened in Dagestan, which is patronized by President Putin. Kerimov has been investing in domestic sports for many years. In 2011-2016, he owned the Anji football club; since 2007, Suleiman Abusaidovich has been the head of the board of trustees of the Russian Wrestling Federation.

In Dagestan, with the support of Kerimov, schools, museums and hospitals are being restored, an innovative project to create an apple orchard on a trellis is being implemented, and the poor residents of the republic are provided with everything necessary for life. Many believing compatriots of Karimov thanks to him were able to make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Derbent Development

Suleiman Kerimov has many awards for services to Dagestan and is an honorary citizen of Derbent. In 2018, he announced that he would transfer 1.5 billion rubles to the city budget and become a tax resident of Derbent. In collaboration with local authorities, the senator hopes to turn the city into a tourist center of Dagestan.

To this end, in 2019, a master plan for the development of the city began to be developed, a competition of contractors from a number of companies specializing in integrated development of territories was organized. The transformation plan of Derbent will be designed for 8 years, during which all housing and communal systems are supposedly being reconstructed and hotels of international level will be built. Historical monuments will be restored, and park areas will be turned into oases of comfort. In addition, the city plans to open the Azerbaijan Theater. Karimov can build a seaport and airport in Derbent.

The personality of Suleiman Kerimov

To achieve success in the field of strategic investments, Kerimov was helped by brilliant analytical abilities - it was no coincidence that the future oligarch was the winner of mathematical olympiads as a child. Friends note the powerful intuition of Karimov, as well as his natural tact. All these qualities allow the oligarch to quickly make informed decisions and find an approach to almost any person.

Karimov’s sporting preferences - chess, weightlifting, judo, car racing - say that he appreciates intelligence, stamina, flexible strength and the ability to take risks.

In Dagestan, Kerimov is spoken of as a patriot who honors Caucasian traditions and cares for the prosperity of his native land.
