Business management

Wholesale Features

Wholesale Features

Video: Features of Wholesale Trade - Internal Trade | Class 11 Business Studies 2024, July

Video: Features of Wholesale Trade - Internal Trade | Class 11 Business Studies 2024, July

The main success of any company depends, first of all, on the effective sale of the company's products. Technologies for the sale of goods must be selected correctly. If the sale is carried out in bulk, then you need to know the main nuances of such a trade.


Sale is a separate part of the commodity-money relations, fixed by the contract of the seller and the buyer on the sale of products. Wholesale trade in goods is carried out by wholesale enterprises (bases), which can be intermediaries or sell goods on their own.

Wholesale provides financial benefits not only to manufacturers of goods, but also to retailers involved in reselling. Wholesale sale of goods is an important and integral stage of product sales, ensuring the transition of goods from producer to consumers. Wholesale enterprises usually perform not only the function of sale, but also carry out storage and transportation.

You need to know that wholesale is always required packaging. It can be purchased in bulk from specialized companies. For example, Russian Post sells plastic packaging that is suitable for sending goods by mail.

Enterprises should be able to smooth prices, as well as improve the quality of goods if necessary. It is also necessary to carefully study market conditions, to regulate production volumes depending on demand. The main disadvantages of modern wholesale enterprises are in violation of the delivery time and failure to meet production volumes. When a company focuses only on volume, to the detriment of quality, this also does not lead to anything good.

It is important to note that the work of wholesale organizations, especially the pricing of their products, affects the functioning of the entire country's economic sector. Such a business has advantages over retail in that it is accompanied by large cash transactions and a large volume of business contacts. Wholesale trade plays an important role in creating links between different regions and manufacturers. Wholesale companies are able to influence the variety of assortment and provide products to different parts of the city.

The main criterion for success is the continuous improvement of the quality of goods and the level of service, which is carried out through a thorough analysis of all the requirements of potential buyers.
