
What documents should an individual entrepreneur have

What documents should an individual entrepreneur have

Video: Legal Basics and Business Entity Formation: Crash Course Business Entrepreneurship #5 2024, July

Video: Legal Basics and Business Entity Formation: Crash Course Business Entrepreneurship #5 2024, July

Before you start your own business, you need to decide on the package of documents that will be issued by the individual entrepreneur. All documents can be divided into several groups depending on their purpose.


Instruction manual


Opening a new business always begins with the registration process. To do this, an individual entrepreneur must submit a tax application for registration (in the form of Р21001), a receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles, as well as photocopies of the passport and TIN. If an individual entrepreneur intends to work on the simplified tax system, he must also submit with all documents a notice of the transition to simplification.


After the registration procedure is completed, the individual entrepreneur must receive a certificate of registration of entrepreneurs (OGRNIP), as well as an extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises. The last document contains the main registration data of the IP - information on registration with the tax and Pension Fund, as well as data on types of economic activity. Often, potential customers are asked to provide the EGRIP to verify a future partner. Having OGRNIP on hand, you can legally begin to engage in entrepreneurial activity.


When opening a current account, the bank may request registration documents, a letter on statistics codes from Rosstat, licenses (if any), and a lease agreement from the individual entrepreneur. Each bank can present its requirements for the data provided by entrepreneurs. The package of documents when printing is generally similar.


In the process of work, the IP should always have at hand the documents that may be required during inspections. This is the TIN, OGRIP, extract from the USRIP. If an entrepreneur works for the simplified tax system, KUDIR is included in this list, as well as registration documents for the cash register (when accepting cash from the population). When UTII, the entrepreneur must have a certificate of registration for UTII, as well as documents that confirm the correctness of the physical indicators (this may be a lease agreement or personnel documentation).


If an individual entrepreneur attracts hired employees, he must have the entire package of personnel documents, and also register with the FIU and the Social Insurance Fund as an employer. In the event of an inspection, the Labor Inspectorate or other regulatory body may request employment contracts with employees and their personal cards, staff list, time sheet, vacation schedule, etc.


In the event of a check for failure to provide any document, the entrepreneur faces a fine - 200 r. for every.

Useful advice

IE can work without printing and checking account. But their presence can greatly simplify the life of an entrepreneur. The current account will allow you to receive non-cash receipts from customers, as well as pay taxes without leaving your home. Printing enhances customer confidence.
