
How to join SRO designers

How to join SRO designers

Video: 3D on-line configurator: Design, customise and lead to order 2024, July

Video: 3D on-line configurator: Design, customise and lead to order 2024, July

Each design organization independently chooses an SRO to obtain admission to carry out its work. In order not to make a mistake with her choice and to cooperate fruitfully, it is important to precisely determine the directions of development of your company, which require SRO approval, and collect a package of documents, strictly observing all requirements.


You will need

  • - a package of documents;

  • - money.

Instruction manual


Prior to the decision to join the SRO (independent regulatory organization) of the designers, precisely determine the list of design work for which this company must be admitted. The classifier of work changes periodically, so be sure to stay tuned for new legislation.


Choose your SRO carefully. Pay special attention to its stability and credibility in the construction market, as switching to another similar organization will lead to additional expenses: all contributions made to the SRO will not be returned to you.


Evaluate the activity of the selected SRO and your "pluses" from joining its ranks. If necessary, consult independent experts who are experienced and will give an exhaustive professional assessment.


Carefully read the requirements of the SRO of designers on the order of entry into its ranks. Basically, the wishes are the same and subordinate to legislative acts, but there may be nuances that you should know in advance. Most often, they relate to the collection and execution of a package of documents, contributions, as well as subsequent monitoring, etc.


Prepare in accordance with the requirements and correctly draw up the entire package of documents. You will need documents on the registration of your organization, on working specialists, as well as documentary evidence of the availability of material and technical base for subsequent activities and other requested materials.


Write an application for entry into the SRO in the approved form and attach to it all the selected documents in the required order. Please note that there is a fairly extensive list of notarized copies.


Know that a qualified team of employees is one of the basic requirements of an SRO for a design organization. Provide documents confirming the regular professional development of specialists in training centers in the areas of those works for which the planned admission is required. The main condition is the availability of licenses of these centers for educational activities, as well as approved programs in selected areas.


Keep in mind that certification of design specialists is also necessary for entry into the SRO. As a rule, a specialist can take it immediately after completing continuing education courses, without leaving the same training center, and receive an appropriate certificate.


Do not forget about liability insurance, which is also necessary, because the existence of a civil liability insurance contract confirms the organization’s ability to minimize possible risks in the event of an insured event from damage resulting from its activities.


A special place is occupied by the presence of an ISO certificate. This is not a prerequisite, but many SROs think differently and put it up. But, on the other hand, the availability of an ISO certificate is beneficial for the design organizations themselves, since it is a confirmation of the provision of high quality services, and may also be needed to participate in international competitions, exhibitions and projects.


After considering the SRO package of your documents and making a positive decision, pay all necessary fees. The sizes of entrance and membership payments are determined independently by the regulatory company and are sent to ensure its activities. Add 150 thousand rubles to the compensation fund, the amount is determined by law. This contribution is intended to cover possible damage in case of errors in the design documentation.


Obtain a certificate of requested work permit. It is an unlimited document, i.e. valid for the entire time your organization is a member of this SRO of designers, and also has no territorial restrictions in the Russian Federation.
