Business management

How to choose an advertising agency

How to choose an advertising agency

Video: How to Choose the Right Digital Marketing Agency for Your Business | Neil Patel 2024, July

Video: How to Choose the Right Digital Marketing Agency for Your Business | Neil Patel 2024, July

Choosing an advertising agency is a crucial step, which will undoubtedly affect your marketing campaign as a whole. Approach him in the same way as choosing a full-time employee. Do not forget, you must work as one single organism. Only in this case you will achieve mutual understanding and, accordingly, the expected result.


Instruction manual


In order to choose the right advertising partner, you must clearly understand - what exactly do you need it for. What functions do you want to transfer to him, and what result do you intend to receive from his actions. Make a list of the services you want to order.


Based on the list of services received, proceed to the search. Engage your personal contacts and acquaintances, browse magazines and newspapers, and access the Internet. Remember, the best choice is already proven companies that have provided advertising services to your friends or acquaintances.


After several candidates are found, start a personal acquaintance. Make contact. It is best to go to the office and personally assess the state of the company, the general appearance and impression of what you see. If this is not possible, call all the agencies found to clarify and discuss their services and prices.


Invite each candidate to write a short smart release in which they can show you the solution to your tasks. Pay attention to those works, the formulation and solution of problems in which are found in a non-standard way.


Gather as much information as possible about the agency of your choice. Examine the completed advertising campaigns of specialists with whom you have to work.


Feel free to ask the advertising manager in your own words to explain the tasks and goals of your company. Specialists should absolutely clearly understand what goals you are pursuing and what outcome you want to get.


Make a small trial order to more accurately assess the level of services provided. Pay attention to such moments as the speed of order service, the effectiveness of the implementation and promotion of your product.


Trust your intuition. If something confuses you in the work you are doing, or you feel the wrong return you are expecting, ask to replace the manager or change the advertising agency.
