Business management

How to behave in bankruptcy

How to behave in bankruptcy

Video: Everything About Bankruptcy In 4 Minutes! 2024, July

Video: Everything About Bankruptcy In 4 Minutes! 2024, July

Bankruptcy is the inability to pay your debt obligations and bills. The procedure for declaring a legal entity bankrupt is carried out in court on the basis of Federal Law No. 127-F3 and Article No. 65 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.


You will need

  • - statement to the court;

  • - notification of creditors.

Instruction manual


Your bankruptcy behavior should be aimed at paying off all existing debts. For your company to be declared bankrupt, file a lawsuit. Instead of you this can be done by responsible representatives, notaries, creditors, employees of the enterprise.


Notify all your creditors, the tax inspectorate and other official bodies in whose accounts you owe but cannot pay. Do not hide that the financial affairs of the enterprise are in a deplorable state, honestly admit your bankruptcy.


Prepare all financial documents for audit. The court will rule on declaring a legal entity bankrupt only after a full audit of the financial documentation and investigation of the reasons that led to bankruptcy. A competitive manager will be appointed for this work, investigative bodies and large audit companies will be involved.


Do not interfere with the work of authorized persons, make every effort to get out of this situation with minimal losses. You still have to pay all bills, so it’s completely pointless to hide something from the investigating authorities.


The bankruptcy trustee will try to correct the situation. If the financial affairs of the enterprise are so bad that further functioning in the normal mode is impossible, an inventory of the existing property will be made and its further sale will be made to pay off the arrears of taxes and fees, as well as for settlements with creditors, investors, and employees whose work has not been paid.


If the property of the enterprise is sold, but the financial resources are not enough to pay all existing debts, an inventory of the personal property of the administrative staff of the enterprise involved in bankruptcy will be made.
