
How to increase your capital in 2017

How to increase your capital in 2017

Video: How to Grow Your Capital (By Investing What You've Got) 2024, July

Video: How to Grow Your Capital (By Investing What You've Got) 2024, July

Each of us wants to live with dignity. A decent life includes, among other things, a certain level of affluence. If earlier, 30-40 years ago, wealth, capital were considered something almost indecent, now they are components of success. You got a good education and seem to have found a good job, but so far it has not been possible to increase your capital. How to get out of this situation?


Instruction manual


First of all, determine how your salary in the company where you work is related to the average earnings of a specialist of your level. This is easy to do: salary metering programs exist on job search sites. It’s good if your salary is above average. If it does not differ from the market average or even less than it, and you should not wait for prospects of increase in this company in the near future, then perhaps it is worth thinking about a job change. Some people fear that changing jobs may damage their careers. Many companies consider the same, but staying where you have neither career nor financial prospects is still not worth it.


Even if your salary is quite high, it will be useful to think about the future prospects of your career growth. Suddenly, the position you are currently in has no prospects? Undoubtedly, you, as a valuable employee, will be raised a small amount every year, but is this your goal?

An increase of 10, 000 rubles a year is unlikely to greatly increase your capital, in addition, you may miss the opportunity to develop in terms of a career. Therefore, it’s always good from time to time to look at job search sites, add interesting vacancies to your favorites, and go to the sites of prestigious companies. For example, if a prestigious company A requires a specialist of a level slightly higher than yours and with a knowledge of a foreign language, then, having studied a foreign language and gaining experience, you can send a resume there and get a job. Which will undoubtedly be well paid.


Working in a company is not the only way to increase your capital. If you have an idea of ​​creating a certain product or service, or simply if you are a good specialist in your field and know many people who would benefit from your services, then you could organize your business. It is worth remembering that business is not always the key to success, many people lost money when starting a business, however if you have the necessary knowledge, a bright idea or a good customer base and the ability to "sell" your services, then this is probably the best way to increase capital for you.


Some people prefer to combine work in a specialty in the office and part-time work (often a hobby). Managers and entrepreneurs give lectures at universities. Women with a certificate of hairdressing or makeup courses work in the office during the day (for example, in bookkeeping), and in the evenings and on weekends do hairstyles and makeup for clients at their home or at home.

Many students and young professionals are engaged in tutoring - "pulling up" students in a particular subject. It happens that such a side job captures a person so much that it becomes his work in his life. Of course, in order to work like this, you need to have the strength to spend your free time not on vacation, but on such additional work. However, if you have firmly set yourself the goal of increasing your capital, then you can certainly do it.


There are examples when people increased their capital by doing almost nothing for this. They simply analyzed their budget and decided that a lot of money was wasted. To see how justified your expenses are and what you could refuse for the sake of increasing capital, just download the program "Home Accounting" or simply keep a sign of income and expenses. Of course, the transition to a more economical way of life is not always easy, but it can be effective if you need to save money for a specific purpose. In such cases, for the sake of an important goal, almost everyone agrees to “suffer” a little.


Despite the cautious attitude to investing in securities instilled in us in the 90s, quite a lot of people are now investing in stocks and bonds. For this, contrary to stereotypes, it is not at all necessary to be a millionaire. Most people who receive income from investing in securities are simply financially literate.

To increase your level of financial literacy, it’s enough to read at least a few books on this subject, for example, The ABC of Financial Literacy by V. Avdenin, The Path to Financial Independence by B. Schaeffer. These books will change your thinking and teach you to look at money differently. You will cease to be afraid of saving or investing, as well as listening to common tips like "money must be spent right away!" In addition to investing, they describe almost all of the above ways to increase your capital.
