Business management

How to increase book sales

How to increase book sales

Video: How to Increase Book Sales on Amazon 2024, July

Video: How to Increase Book Sales on Amazon 2024, July

The proliferation of the Internet and all kinds of electronic reading devices has significantly reduced the sales of regular books. As a result, bookstores today are not going through the best of times. However, a well-thought-out marketing policy will increase bookstore sales.


You will need

  • - use of merchandising;

  • - sales promotion;

  • - assortment analysis.

Instruction manual


Constantly draw attention to your store through various promotions. At the same time, refuse any activities related to a single issue of a gift. Your promotion should be aimed at encouraging the client to visit again. For example, you can give out discount coupons next month.


Build sales. Get rid of obsolete literature. Bestsellers from past years fall into this category, the interest in which has faded or did not live up to readers' expectations. In addition, if a book comes out with sequels, when a new volume goes on sale, lower the price of the previous one.


Bet on children's literature. Parents still do not spare money on books for their kids. In addition, the development of electronic literature had almost no effect on the children's sector, since bright, voluminous books can hardly be replaced. Expand your children's assortment, make the stay of small buyers in your store pleasant and comfortable, for example, equip a play area in the trading floor. Next to the department of children's literature, place books on the topic of which young mothers may be interested (beauty, cooking, esotericism, travel).


Actively use the principles of merchandising. Place the so-called "anchors" throughout the sales area, which will force the buyer to go through the entire store. For example, place school books in the farthest corner, because buyers will follow them anyway. In the center, install a large rack with bestsellers and novelties: the jump in demand for such books is short-lived. That is why it is necessary to actively offer them to the buyer at the peak of popularity. Do not forget about goods of impulse demand: in the checkout area, place an office, small books, postcards, calendars.


In book sales, the role of a sales consultant plays an important role. Of course, their friendliness and performance are important. However, the primary role is played by the erudition of the consultant. Very often this or that book is not for sale, because the seller can not quickly find it. The staff should be well versed in the assortment, correctly pronounce all the names and titles and understand the literature as a whole.


Many followers of reading books are attracted to the smell. Make sure that the store has a pleasant aroma, books do not dust, and the musty smell of the old library does not appear. Otherwise, all your efforts to increase sales will be nullified.

Useful advice

Sign up for online mailings from leading publishers. So you will be aware of all the new products released, you can make purchases before others and introduce a pre-order system for buyers.

how to increase book sales
