Business management

How to trade parts

How to trade parts

Video: How to get/trade prime parts for PLATINUM! - Warframe 2024, July

Video: How to get/trade prime parts for PLATINUM! - Warframe 2024, July

The increase in the number of cars leads to an increase in demand for spare parts for them. Therefore, the business of selling parts is becoming increasingly profitable. To successfully trade in auto parts, you need to know the features of this market.


You will need

  • - business plan;

  • - documents on registration of a legal entity;

  • - premises;

  • - shop equipment;

  • - goods;

  • - seller;

  • - advertising.

Instruction manual


To start work on the sale of spare parts, you need to draw up a business plan. It calculates all the financial indicators of the future company. A business plan can also be useful for obtaining a loan from a bank for opening or developing a business.


The company needs to be registered with the tax authority (suitable IP or LLC). Be sure to choose a convenient tax system. For trading, the ideal option is non-imputed income tax, when monthly contributions are paid in equal installments, depending on the footage of the trading premises. In addition, such a tax system will help save on cash registers and accounting services.


Next, you need to find a room. It does not have to be large. Ten square meters will be enough. The main thing is to choose its location correctly. It is optimal to trade spare parts on the federal highway, as well as near car services, gas stations, car washes and other places where motorists gather.


When the room is ready for operation, you need to install commercial equipment there. When buying counters, shelves and display cases, do not forget that there are very small parts that need small boxes and hooks.


It is better to buy spare parts for opening a little. Consumables should always be available: filters, oils, windshield washers, fuses. And you can order the rest from catalogs. To get dealer discounts on spare parts, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with their suppliers.


Hire a seller. He must be well versed in the device of the car. You can save money at the beginning of work by standing behind the counter yourself.


The main engine of trade is advertising. Signs, pillars, advertising in the press, leaflets and business cards in those places that frequent car enthusiasts - all this can be used to promote your products.


Sometimes it happens that a client, having ordered a product, does not come for him. And some parts are very voluminous and expensive. Be sure to protect yourself. An excellent solution is prepayment.

Useful advice

Offer to become a supplier of spare parts to various car services. To lure them, offer discounts on sales.
