Business management

How to create and promote a brand

Table of contents:

How to create and promote a brand

Video: 7 Ways To Increase Brand Awareness and Build Your Business 2024, July

Video: 7 Ways To Increase Brand Awareness and Build Your Business 2024, July

Creation and promotion of a brand of a product manufacturer is an extremely relevant topic. Proper promotion of the company's brand will increase the number of consumers and, consequently, sales.


Types of Products and Consumers

The development of a strategy for creating a brand directly depends on what products need to be promoted, because a brand is a complex and unique image of a manufacturing company.

All products can be divided into two components: consumer and industrial.

Consumer products consist of primary and secondary products. Essential products have a short turnaround time and constant demand (hygiene products, medicines, food, household chemicals). Secondary products have a longer turnover, a long service life and are in little demand (automobiles, electronic and household appliances).

Industrial products are also divided into two groups - disposable and systematic services. So, the purchase of a cargo crane or the construction of a building is a one-time service, and its maintenance is systematic.
