Business Communication and Ethics

How to draw up a contract to an individual

How to draw up a contract to an individual

Video: How to Draft a Contract in 3 Easy Steps 2024, July

Video: How to Draft a Contract in 3 Easy Steps 2024, July

The Civil Code provides for the conclusion of an agreement both orally and in writing. A written form of the contract is mandatory if one of the parties to the contract is a legal entity. But even if the parties are individuals, it is better to hedge and draw up any contractual relationship in writing. In order to draw up a contract, several recommendations should be taken into account.


Instruction manual


The contract can be printed or written by hand. Keep your text clear and legible. Do not use language that can be interpreted in two ways. The essence of the contract should be stated clearly and clearly.


When naming the parties to the contract, provide more information so that you can clearly determine who the contract is between. In addition to the surname, name and patronymic, indicate passport data, date of birth, TIN, address. Attach copies of passports to the contract.


Make sure that the text reflects all the essential terms of the contract. If it is difficult for you to independently determine them, use the reference literature or relevant laws. The essential conditions include those without which the agreement of the parties is impossible. Different types of transactions have their own conditions, but, as a rule, the subject of the contract, terms, price are mandatory among them.


The more complete the text of the contract, the less disagreement may arise between the parties in the future. Provide in advance and write down penalties in the contract for improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract, determine the procedure for force majeure circumstances, select a court to which you can appeal if it is impossible to resolve any issues through negotiations.


Indicate the special conditions that are relevant for the proper fulfillment by the parties of their obligations under the contract. The provisions of the contract may be individual, not prescribed by law, but they should not contradict it or the customs of business.


To draw up a contract, you can use ready-made forms by entering the conditions necessary for a particular transaction. You can also contact the notary office. Having clarified all the essential conditions for your transaction, the notaries will draw up the contract themselves, you just have to check it and pay for the service.
