
How to draw up an audit report

How to draw up an audit report

Video: Format of Audit Report 2024, July

Video: Format of Audit Report 2024, July

In each organization, at least once a year, an audit takes place, after which an act is written. This is a document evidencing the fact of the audit, it is compiled by several persons at once who bear material responsibility or are authorized to be present at the inventory. Some companies have their own forms for writing an audit report, in which case it is enough to simply fill in the required fields. If there is no form, you need to write it yourself.


You will need

  • Form of act, if any;

  • Draft notes that were written during the audit;

  • Commission of three people;

  • Applications (if necessary).

Instruction manual


Based on the results of the audit, the audit certificate and inventory are filled out. Any act shall be completed by at least three responsible persons. Before starting the audit, create a commission, they will fill out this act.


Keep draft notes (they reflect the actual information, contain quantitative indicators) that you make during the audit, draw up an act based on them.


Enter the required details of the act: the name of the organization, the name of the type of document (ACT). There must be a date (here is the date the document was prepared, if the act is drawn up at the end of the audit, which took several days, indicate the period of the audit in the text of the act) and the registration number of the document. Indicate the place of compilation, make a heading to the text. The title of the act should begin with the words: “Act of audit”.


Write the text of the act. It should consist of two parts, the introductory part describes on what basis the audit was carried out. This can be a regulatory document, administrative document, or a contract indicating its date and number. Note here the composition of the commission, indicate the chairman. In the main part, write about the methods and terms of the work done, mark the established facts, and also do not forget the conclusions and suggestions. You should also write conclusions based on the results of the audit.


At the end of the act do not forget to put the signatures of the commission, at the very end indicate the number of copies made and their addressees. The number of copies of the audit act varies, depending on the number of interested parties to whom this act is sent. Moreover, most often the amount is determined by the regulatory documents of the organization.


After marking the number of copies of the act, write about what annexes to it are, if any.


The act comes into force after the signing of the document by all members of the commission.

If there is a member of the commission who does not agree with the content of the act, he must sign the act with a reservation about his disagreement.

Useful advice

When signing the audit act, not only the surname, name, patronymic must be indicated, but also the position, if necessary, the place of work of the responsible persons.

If the audit certificate must be approved by a higher management, an appropriate stamp is issued for approval.

how to draw up a data document
