
How to open your massage parlor

How to open your massage parlor

Video: How to Start Your Own Massage Business 2024, July

Video: How to Start Your Own Massage Business 2024, July

Massage is becoming very popular now. Previously, this procedure could only be carried out by employees in medical institutions. And now beauty salons, massage parlors and fitness centers provide this procedure. This business does not require large investments, it is quickly paid back and profitable.


Instruction manual


To open a massage parlor you will need a room. Mostly massage is done by those people who want to have fun and relax. Therefore, it is better if you choose a room not in the center, but in a residential area, closer to the elite neighborhoods.

It is advisable that the massage parlor is located on the ground floor, so it will be more convenient for your customers. It is also necessary to take into account existing norms of SES. For one person should be at least 8 square meters. m. It is better for each massage therapist to have their own office. The office should have good lighting, heating, ventilation. In addition, the cabin should have rooms reserved for the administrator and reception.


Then you should think about equipping your massage parlor. And this: massage tables, couches, massage chairs, sofas for the reception, cabinets and shelves for cosmetics. Masseurs will need special oils, olive oil is great for regular massage, and relaxing will require the use of essential oils. Clean towels are also needed.


The main factor in the success of the salon are the masseurs themselves. Therefore, select staff very carefully. It is difficult to find a good specialist. You can lure a massage therapist from another salon by offering him a higher salary. Or write an ad in the newspaper, you can also write on the Internet. Try to hire universal massage therapists. A professional must be able to master the basics of European and Oriental massage techniques.

Useful advice

To attract customers to the salon, advertise in newspapers. You can also distribute flyers on mailboxes in the houses that are nearby. It will be good if you hang a sign.
