Business management

How to make money on mushrooms

How to make money on mushrooms

Video: 10 Ways to Make Money Mushroom Farming 2024, July

Video: 10 Ways to Make Money Mushroom Farming 2024, July

You can make money on mushrooms in several ways: by creating a harvesting artel or by organizing a mushroom pick-up point for the population; collecting them in the forest and selling in the markets; growing on personal plots. In the first case, for the subsequent sale of mushrooms or their processed products, you will need certification. In the other two, a sufficiently high-quality certificate issued on collective farm markets is sufficient.


You will need

  • or

  • - legal registration;

  • - premises for the procurement base;

  • - weighing and production equipment;

  • - transport.
  • or

  • - forest;

  • - basket.
  • or

  • - beds;

  • - fertilizers;

  • - planting material.

Instruction manual


Register a legal entity (CJSC, LLC) or obtain the status of an entrepreneur without forming a legal entity (PBUL). Rent a small room in the countryside. It is better if it is in the village, away from major transport highways and hiking trails. For a procurement base, 10-12 sq.m. is enough. Install storage racks around the perimeter, but remember that mushrooms are perishable goods; it is not recommended to store them for more than a day. You will also need scales from the equipment. When everything is ready - contact the regional trade department, they will tell you how and where to get the certificates. Buy mushrooms from the population, and then sell them through a pre-established distribution network in the nearest major city.


Take the basket, go to the forest. Combining business with pleasure, you can also make good money on mushrooms. Choose places located 100-150 km from the city. Make sure you have the right clothes and shoes in advance. Do not forget the compass and the map of the area, and also consider the possibility of a light snack on a halt: sandwiches and a thermos with tea on your trip will be very useful. Gathering mushrooms for sale, try not to cut them, but gently twist them out of the mycelium with gentle movements - in this form, the mushrooms will retain consumer qualities longer. Do not take overgrown tubular mushrooms, especially if the weather is wet. It will be hard to carry them, but to sell is almost impossible, because by that time they will "crack up" and become worthless. It is better to sell mushrooms in the city on the day of collection, so go straight from the station to the collective farm market, where, in most cases, free or preferential places for "private traders" are organized.


Grow mushrooms in personal plots. As a rule, not only champignons and oyster mushrooms are subject to cultivation, but also quite wild mushrooms, chanterelles, brown boletus and even mushrooms. For each species, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate soil (and in some cases - a wood substrate). It is better to plant mycelium in the middle of autumn, on a rainy or at least cloudy morning. Within a week, it must be watered from a watering can with a divider. In the future, care for the mushroom plantation is reduced to irrigation and the introduction of organic fertilizers. It is recommended to shoot mushrooms as they grow, avoiding overgrowing. You can implement them both on the spot (not all of your neighbors go to the forest), and on collective farm markets in regional centers.
