
How to expand your customer base

How to expand your customer base

Video: Need More Customers? Let Me Show You How 2024, July

Video: Need More Customers? Let Me Show You How 2024, July

Currently, more and more companies call their mission “customer focus”. However, it is often possible to meet specialists from such companies who are rude, behave inappropriately, ignore customers, and sometimes show incompetence in relation to the products offered. All this can cause a small income and a minimal customer base. How to avoid achieving such deplorable results?


Instruction manual


Pay attention to the worldwide network. The Internet is certainly capable of expanding the client base. Creating your own website and its further optimization, filling it with unique content will be able to bring the resource to the TOP of search engines. And when the site will be on the first lines, the number of visitors, and hence potential customers, will increase markedly. Special organizations providing SEO services are involved in website promotion. Qualified specialists will be able to quickly bring the site to first positions, and after some time the number of customers will begin to increase.



Use affiliate programs. This method is also connected to the Internet. These are the so-called affiliate programs, direct-advertising and loyalty programs. The point is that the advertised company will be mentioned on third-party resources. As a result, customers will come to the desired site, and the owner of the site will share the profit with their partners in the amount of the established percentage or simply pay for the placement of the link one-time, depending on the agreement.



Open branches in the regions. Expanding the range of activities or opening subsidiaries (offices) in other cities also contributes to the expansion of the client base. Any types of enterprise restructuring are aimed at increasing the number of customers. As a result, an audience will be attracted not only of various ages, geographical location, but also with a different sphere of interests.



Advertise your company. All types of advertising (television, radio, print advertising, street advertising) will tell not only about the company, but also about its services, products, discounts and special promotions.



Use loyalty programs and other marketing campaigns. Discounts and bonuses can attract a category of the population that previously were not customers of the company due to product prices.


Useful advice

Each of the above methods of expanding the customer base differs in time, the time it takes to achieve the result, the amount of costs, relevance, duration of action. It is important to begin by comparing them according to these criteria from the point of view of a particular enterprise, and only then clearly decide which way to use it, or apply all of them together.

  • book "Business plan", V.A. Goremykin
  • the expansion of the customer base
