Business management

How to conduct a production analysis

How to conduct a production analysis

Video: Introduction to production functions | APⓇ Microeconomics | Khan Academy 2024, July

Video: Introduction to production functions | APⓇ Microeconomics | Khan Academy 2024, July

Analysis of production allows you to fully evaluate its effectiveness. The study of the main parameters of the enterprise should be carried out not from case to case, but periodically, in accordance with the plan. Based on the results of the analysis, a decision is usually made on making changes to the structure of production management.


Instruction manual


Perform an analysis of the products. Estimate the volume of goods and services produced. Separate the line size of products sold. Count the number of unsold finished goods in stock.


When calculating, use the comparison of the indicators of the released products with the same parameters relating to the previous period. In this case, be sure to take into account the duration of a particular production cycle, and not a calendar measurement of time.


Calculate the internal turnover of the company. If there is no transfer of products at the stage of manufacture and processing between the structural divisions of the enterprise, the turnover should be equal to one.


When calculating, take into account the indicator of the share of production expressed in gross output (the so-called coefficient of marketability). In the presence of work in progress, the coefficient will also be equal to one. Otherwise, there are product residues at the end of the analyzed period.


Conduct a product composition study using the availability factor. If there is a tendency to decrease in the indicator over the past few periods, we can conclude that the share of semi-finished products in the total volume of marketable products increases. This state of affairs may require a change in the structure of production.


At the last stage, analyze the planned values ​​of the cost of commercial products. Include in the analysis of the article production costs, including the salary of employees employed in production; material costs; fare; expenses for current and overhaul. Compare the amount of planned production costs with actual costs.
