Business management

How to monitor compliance with the terms of the contract

How to monitor compliance with the terms of the contract

Video: Introduction to Contract Compliance for SAP Ariba Suite integrated Solutions 2024, July

Video: Introduction to Contract Compliance for SAP Ariba Suite integrated Solutions 2024, July

An agreement drawn up and signed by both parties is for many a synonym for success in business. However, this is only the initial stage. It is equally important to timely and efficiently monitor the conditions for fulfilling the contract.


You will need

  • - acceptance certificate of work;

  • - legal advice.

Instruction manual


When drawing up the contract, carefully consider the sections regarding non-fulfillment of the conditions. Settle dispute resolution procedures, penalties for non-compliance with certain provisions. In addition, already in the contract itself, you can reflect those documents that will allow you to record the implementation of the contract.


Draw up an act of acceptance of the work performed. It can be used not only to control the final execution of the contract, but also to summarize the interim results. Thanks to this act, you can assess the volume and cost of the work done and even terminate the contract by fixing a certain level of readiness.


Set up a reporting system between you and the other party. This advice is very relevant in the case of a long-term project in which you act as a customer. Develop a specific report form that the contractor is required to fill out at the selected frequency. Be sure to reflect this function as a separate clause in the contract.


Before starting work, clearly state the results that you would like to achieve by concluding this contract. Most of the outcome indicators are preferably expressed in numbers (prices, terms, quantity). Compare the indicated results with the available ones. In this case, you should not rely on conditional or emotional characteristics of the result - only a clear analysis of compliance with the stated plan will give a real picture.


Designate an employee responsible for monitoring the implementation of the contract. If your business involves many counterparties, instruct several subordinates to monitor compliance with the terms of contracts with different partners.


Some provisions of the treaties can be formulated inaccurately and interpreted in two ways. Unscrupulous performers can take advantage of this and not comply with the actual conditions of the contract. Use the services of a lawyer to help resolve the situation in your favor.
