Business management

How to promote your ad

How to promote your ad

Video: Facebook Advertising Tips 2018 - How To Reach 100,000 With One Ad (SECRET STRATEGY) 2024, July

Video: Facebook Advertising Tips 2018 - How To Reach 100,000 With One Ad (SECRET STRATEGY) 2024, July

In order to sell a product, it is necessary to correctly and beautifully show it to a potential buyer, that is, to advertise. Advertising, like goods, a great many, it haunts us everywhere. How to stand out among competitors?


Instruction manual


Form style.

The most important property of advertising is that it must be remembered. This requires repeatability, as well as a single corporate identity. Corporate identity is a graphic (font and color) design. Corporate identity should be seen in all POS materials promoting a product or service - packaging, shelftalkers, stoppers, wobblers, promotional stands, dispensers, souvenirs, business cards, booklets, envelopes - all this must be done in one color scheme and font, it varies only size. The eye of the potential buyer should get used to your corporate identity and easily find it on store shelves.


The target audience.

Before you start an advertising campaign, find out who your target audience is. What kind of sex and age are these people, do they have higher education, what is their income, do they drive their own car or prefer public transport. Where do they get information, which media do they prefer - television, radio, print media, the Internet? What are their interests and what can attract them in your product? The more accurately you calculate your target audience, the less effort you will have to spend on advertising promotion and the cheaper the advertising campaign will cost you.



Airtime and top places.

Depending on what you are advertising and which communication channel you have chosen in order to promote your product, you need to think about the competent distribution of airtime. Of course, it is advisable to get into rush hour - from 7 to 9 in the morning or from 19 to 23 in the evening, but broadcasting on television or radio is extremely cheap at this time. Is it really necessary for you? Suppose you advertise a detergent? Then you don’t need to promote your advertising in peak airtime and wasting your budget in vain, because for sure your target audience is housewives who mostly watch TV in the afternoon. Or do you advertise a high-tech new device, aimed more likely at a young audience, which, as research shows, increasingly excludes television as such and goes on the Internet. The same can be said about banners and contextual advertising on the aforementioned Internet - is it worth buying expensive advertising spots if your target audience is office workers with limited Internet traffic?


Modern technologies.

Currently, more and more people prefer searching for information on the Internet. Therefore, it is highly desirable to ensure your presence there. As a rule, the search begins with ranked search engines, for example, Yandex or Google. In order to reach the top by requests on these sites, it is necessary not only to present the product on the Internet, but also to conduct SEO optimization. To do this, you need to determine which queries are most suitable for your topic, write a text with these keywords and place it on the site, using special programs to buy links on requests. The more accurately you define keywords, the less money you spend. It is also necessary to carefully study the forums, blogs and social networks where your product can be discussed, because many people prefer the opinion of ordinary people who use the product than pretend advertising.



Interesting context.

To promote your ad, make it interesting. There is a possibility that uninteresting content, stuffed with sugary actors, deliberately offering your product, potential consumers may not even watch. Interesting content, after some time, will begin to promote itself. This is the so-called "viral ad." The cost of it can be minimal, and the effect is huge.

promote advertising in 2019
