Business management

How to sell knitwear

How to sell knitwear

Video: Knitting For Profit: What Knitted Items Sell Best? 2024, July

Video: Knitting For Profit: What Knitted Items Sell Best? 2024, July

So, you decided to make money by selling knitwear over the Internet. And so, you have already posted a photo and description of your product on the site, but for some reason, buyers are in no hurry to buy your product. Why is this happening? Most likely, the matter is in poor-quality photographs of your product and / or in its inappropriate description. Therefore, before submitting your work to the public, see the tips in this article.


Instruction manual


Photo of the product When buying on the Internet, people first of all pay attention to the photo of the product, because they do not have the opportunity to touch or try on the thing they like. Therefore, the photos of your knitwear should always be of high quality! To get high-quality photos of your products, consider a few points on how to sell knitwear.


1. Photographing things is best in daylight, not in artificial light. Ideally, you need to photograph things on the street without using a flash.


2. If you are going to sell knitted clothes, then photographing them is best on a model. I think that finding a model should not be a big problem for you. Surely you will find a girlfriend, daughter or sister who agrees to become your model. If, for some reason, the model cannot be found, then a mannequin may come to your aid.


Product Description So you already have good, high-quality photos of your knitwear. But that is not all! Also an important point in the sale of knitted items is the description of your product. When describing your knitted product, be sure to indicate its size, indicate the composition of the yarn. You can also indicate the individual characteristics of your product. For example, if a thing is very soft and soft to the touch, then indicate this in the product description, also, if the thing is prickling, then indicate this.


Many more potential buyers like it when the author's thing has its name. For example, when writing a product description, write not just a knitted bag, but a knitted bag "Delicate Dawn". Feel free to come up with a name for your products, because each of them is unique, therefore, each product simply must have a name. Anyone who wants to buy your product will feel that he will become the owner of a unique copyright item that has its own face and character.
