
How to sell content

How to sell content

Video: How To Sell Your Own Exclusive Content 2024, July

Video: How To Sell Your Own Exclusive Content 2024, July

The word "content" is widely known in the online community. Translated from English, it means "content." On the Internet, this concept includes everything from the original texts for websites, to videos, audio materials, various services and other attributes of the worldwide information network.


Instruction manual


It is very difficult for a novice without experience to sell something on the Internet independently. There is a good lifesaver for the writing fraternity - content exchanges, intermediaries between customers and performers - rewriters and copywriters. Look for such exchanges online. Today, there are already quite a lot of them on the Internet, each of them has its own face, and content owners have to make a choice in favor of one or more of them. And for this, read the working conditions on the exchanges, chat on the forums, read the feedback from experienced content authors.


Register on the exchange and offer your services; for this, create a portfolio where you can place your most successful works, albeit not yet published.


See customer suggestions. If you find a topic that is interesting and understandable to you, send a message to the customer that they are ready to fulfill his order for a certain amount, or offer an existing text on the topic. In this case, it is advisable to send the customer only part of the material.


Put on the stock exchange your finished materials. To do this, first check them for uniqueness in several programs (often exchanges themselves have such a service, for example, Advego). Pick a rating heading (it makes sense to learn how to use special services) and determine an adequate price for each material. Please note that rewrite - rewritten text - costs slightly less than the copyright text - copyright.


Browse freelance sites, sign up for a few, and browse daily from employers. As with exchanges, send messages to customers and get interesting topics to work on.


You have to learn to fulfill all the requirements of the customer, find the most "hot" topics in demand. High earnings, as a rule, are preceded by hard work associated with the growth and fall of your rating.


Experienced copywriters recommend using a batch sale of articles, which is very welcomed by buyers and brings more income. If you are the owner of interesting video files, movies, video clips, training video courses and other things, then do not doubt that there will be a buyer for such content.

For this you also need to find an intermediary site engaged in the sale of such products. Here the procedure is about the same as on the content exchange: you need to register, contact the administration and offer your products for the appropriate price. After the sale, the money goes to your electronic account minus the commission that goes to the intermediary site.


If one day you find that an article you published on the Internet has spread without your knowledge to numerous sites, do not fall into righteous anger. Take this fact philosophically. First, Internet piracy is a common thing. Secondly, and this is the most important thing, your material came to the court, turned out to be interesting and necessary, and this is an occasion to continue work.
