Business management

How to sell water

How to sell water

Video: How to Not Pitch Your Product - Whatever it Takes Season 2 2024, July

Video: How to Not Pitch Your Product - Whatever it Takes Season 2 2024, July

Standard sales methods are known to all. The market is becoming more crowded. How to take your place? Is there a procedure for finding new customers, unknown to other market participants? In MBA in 10 Days, Stephen Silbiger tells Arm & Hammer that there are hundreds of uses for regular baking soda. This allowed to find new markets and brought additional profits. Let's look at the situation with water from different points of view.


Instruction manual


Make a list of places where thirsty people spontaneously appear. Spontaneous desires lead to spontaneous purchases. Somewhere sports can periodically take place, or a thirsty crowd appears as soon as the sun warms up, or repair work makes it planned to shut off the water in certain areas. There are many predictable situations where demand for water increases dramatically.


Make a list of people who decide to buy water. What magazines do they read? What shows are watching? What events are present? What expensive daily get to the office? These people are already buying water, and in large quantities. These are wholesalers or responsible persons of organizations. Their habits will indicate where your marketing messages are likely to reach their eyes, ears and hearts.


Make a list of reasons people want fast-delivery water. Where and at what point do these causes appear? What kind of people are exposed to them? How well satisfied is their demand?


Make a list of people who form the opinion of individual community groups regarding water. Where and what kind of water do they buy? Why? In all industries there are narrowly targeted groups of regular customers. They have strong beliefs other than mass demand. If you reach the leaders, you can sell water to the whole group. These can be people who are especially concerned about health, athletes, patriots, families with small children, etc.


Make a list of items in the production / sale of which water was used or could be used.


Work through each list for possible contacts and omissions from competitors. What can be improved in your offer and sales methods? Answers to questions will open up new possibilities.


Where to get the time and money for such an analysis? Will investments in research pay off? Is it worth the risk? - Innovators in any business do not know the answers. Where the answers are known, there is little profit.

Useful advice

Such an analysis may seem complicated. It was probably no less difficult to make a list of hundreds of options for soda. You can guess what profits the list authors received. Obviously, they did not regret the work done.

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