Business management

How to sell souvenirs

How to sell souvenirs

Video: How to Market Your Souvenir Shop 2024, July

Video: How to Market Your Souvenir Shop 2024, July

Arriving in any city or other country, we will definitely bring souvenirs with us: lovely memorable trinkets that will remind us of rest, impressions, or delight friends. The competition in the souvenir market is always quite high, how can it be profitable to sell them?


Instruction manual


Places of tourist congestion.

During the hot holiday season, souvenirs can be sold in places that tourists and visitors to your city will definitely visit. Despite prices, souvenir seller shelves are updated at least once per hour during the season. Everyone wants to bring home or as a present to friends a piece of their experience embodied in a small memorable trifle.



Fairs and exhibitions.

In each city, quite often exhibitions and fairs of DIY goods are held. If you are a fan of making souvenirs, follow the demand and competing offers, then you should definitely go to such a fair. Many people prefer jewelry and souvenirs that are not like the rest, individual, made to order. They specially attend such fairs, where they look for truly unique copyrighted items. Several of these clients are satisfied with your creations, and you are provided with income all year round.


Kiosks that already sell souvenirs.

If you devote a lot of time to making souvenirs themselves and don’t have the opportunity to sell them yourself, you can agree with the owners of tents and stalls where souvenirs are already sold, so that they can be sold for a certain percentage of sales. Everyone wins - both you, and the owners of the outlet, and customers who are satisfied with your souvenirs.



Flea markets.

Each city has many flea markets. Modern fashion dictates vintage trends, but where else to find genuine vintage jewelry, if not on the "flea"? Renting a trading place here will cost you quite inexpensively if it is not free (if it is a spontaneous, one-time organized market), and believe me, you will not waste your time if your souvenirs and crafts deserve attention.


The Internet.

Engaged in the manufacture of souvenirs, you can sell them yourself, without leaving your home, using the Internet. Create your site on ready-made free templates, post good photos, and you will quickly find your customers. Join groups devoted to hand-made goods, selling souvenirs, chat, here you will quickly make friends, exchange experience, you can purchase materials at a discount, and also find your customers.


LJ community for the manufacture and sale of handmade souvenirs
