Business management

How to sell the right services

How to sell the right services

Video: How To Sell Your Product Or Service - 5 Reasons Why People Buy 2024, July

Video: How To Sell Your Product Or Service - 5 Reasons Why People Buy 2024, July

Sale of services is a type of sale that requires extreme attention to the client and special attention to his requirements. When selling services, the principle "customer's desire is the law" is implemented anywhere. Remember that the service provided taking into account the wishes of the client will create a much greater reputation for you than that provided exclusively within the price list.


Instruction manual


The first step in selling services is finding a customer. According to the scope of your services, identify your target group. This can be done both with the help of free statistics, and with the help of a simple survey of the existing customer base. Conduct research and identify which social groups of clients your services are most needed.


Once you have identified your target audience, proceed with the advertising campaign. Use advertising methods that are appropriate for your target group and try to make it in accordance with the needs of your target group, for example, if your social group is looking for cheap services, then focus on the price, and if on quality, then on the exclusivity of the offered service.


Remember that customer desires are born in his head, and not in your price list. This means that the list of your services should be flexible and expand in accordance with the wishes of the client. The service provided in accordance with the wishes of the client contributes to the good reputation of your company like nothing else.


Offer service packages at a reduced cost, make it profitable to purchase several services at once, and not one at a time. Use club cards and discount cards in order to gain customer loyalty and remember that the more professional the service is provided, the more good recommendations the client will give to your salon.

Useful advice

Use the program of discounts for services for invited customers.

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