Business management

How to sell what you produce

How to sell what you produce

Video: 15 Crafts to make and Sell! How to make money quick + easy! :) | Natasha Rose 2024, July

Video: 15 Crafts to make and Sell! How to make money quick + easy! :) | Natasha Rose 2024, July

Each manufacturing company must provide itself with a sales market. The more buyers of her product, both wholesale and retail, the greater the turnover she can afford and the greater her profit. The key point is the targeted search for customers in those sectors of the market that are associated with the goods that you produce.


Instruction manual


First of all, decide on the type and quantity of goods that you produce. The choice of your target group depends on how you position it and which link you want to occupy in the chain from product to consumer.


Define your target group. Your target group is companies that sell goods either of the same type as you produce, or similar, or products related to maintenance and service. Conduct a brief analysis of the market, starting from your region, make a list of these companies.


Start dialing. Your task is to make an appointment either in your territory or in the territory of a potential client. Preferably the first, but not all customers are willing to spend time on this. Work out a mechanism for presenting the advantages of a product over its analogues that are already on sale. Remember that the better you convince customers of the benefits of the product, the more willing they will be to sell it.


Offer your customers bonus programs for sellers for the successful sale of goods. Try to motivate them to sell exactly your product - the better it will be sold, the more you will order it.

Useful advice

Actively advertise the product: the more famous it is, the more willing it will be to take it.

Want to sell something? Do it yourself - Sapiens Consulting
