Business management

How to come up with a name for the salon

How to come up with a name for the salon

Video: Salon Name Ideas - 6 Tips on how to choose a name for your salon 2024, July

Video: Salon Name Ideas - 6 Tips on how to choose a name for your salon 2024, July

Today everyone wants to be stylish, beautiful and attractive. Perhaps that is why now in large and small cities do not count beauty salons. How to come up with a stylish and intriguing name for your salon so that customers use the services of your masters?


Instruction manual


Choose a name according to the location of your salon. For example, if it is located in one of the sleeping areas of the city, sometimes it will be quite sufficient to call it by the name of the owner of the salon (and this is usually the owner, not the owner): "Tatyana", "Lyudmila", "Larisa". Or just "Beauty." Another thing is if the salon is located in the center of the year. Even if you thought of using the name of the hostess in his name, it would not be out of place to indicate the name, but start anyway with the word “salon” (for example, “Salon of Elena Ivanova, ” etc.).


Choose a name in accordance with the interior of your salon (although it often happens and vice versa: first the name is selected, and then the interior is created). If the interior of your salon is decorated in pastel colors, the name "Spring Freshness" is suitable for it (there is also an association with hair spray). If your salon is located on the ground floor and passers-by can observe the work of the masters, then the name "Great view" or "At the parade" may suit him.


Often found on the signs of beauty salons are the names of flowers or foreign female names (from history or literature). For example, "Lavender", "Narcissus" or "Babylon", "Eurydice."


Sometimes salons have quite good names that cause associations with the names of famous foreign actresses: "Angelina", "Julia", "Brigitte".


Associate the name of your salon with the activities of a hairdresser or manicure master ("Care", "Chignon", "Marigold") or with objects and tools that they use in their work ("Mirror", "Hairpin").


You can use the words “image”, “style”, “design” separately in the name (except for “design”) or in combination with epithets or possessive pronouns (“Capital style”, “Perfect style”, “Your (mine, your) image (style ").


Take into account the target audience of your salon (especially when using foreign words). For example, middle-aged women are unlikely to visit the ShockStyle, StyleOnline, or HighDesign salon, but they will be happy to contact Beauty or SharmDesign.
