Business Communication and Ethics

How to offer your services

How to offer your services

Video: Selling The Invisible: The 5 Best Ways To Sell Your Services 2024, July

Video: Selling The Invisible: The 5 Best Ways To Sell Your Services 2024, July

Freelancer - a person performing work without concluding a long-term contract with the employer. Most often, he has to offer his services via the Internet, newspaper ads, personal connections. Sometimes you have to become a regular in various forums. How to offer your services with maximum efficiency?


Instruction manual


Designers, copywriters, catalogers and other freelancers that offer their services appear daily on various forums and freelance exchanges. But, unfortunately, very few of them manage to get orders.


What does a copywriter usually do who wants to take an order to write materials to fill the site? He finds a forum on a specific topic that potential customers visit, and offers his services based on his portfolio. Of course, the experience gained is of no small importance. But experience is not always enough for success.


Each individual forum is an independent community in which there are authorities and outcasts. However, the latter can be quite respected people in another community, but for this forum, third-party positive recommendations are practically irrelevant.


How can you earn the credibility of a professional performer? One of the effective ways is to write on the selected forum a certain number of messages that are adequate to the topic and content of the forum. Thus, you can gradually earn a reputation as a person who understands the issues discussed at the forum.


Some forums offer the opportunity to give participants points for the so-called reputation. The objectivity of such assessments, of course, does not always reflect the actual state of things, but for a potential customer, the reputation can serve as a kind of guide in choosing a candidate.


Customers also pay attention to the registration date, which indirectly indicates your experience. Therefore, if you plan to work in a certain direction and offer your services as an independent specialist, it makes sense to register with the relevant thematic communities.


You may well take active steps to build a reputation. To do this, you can open a topic where you explain the essence of your services. Offer free (or at a significant discount) work performance.


Some freelancers have a negative attitude towards completing tasks for a potential customer. Their arguments are approximately as follows: “Why will I, an experienced specialist, spend my valuable time on test tasks? After all, anyone can independently familiarize themselves with the samples of my work or the feedback of those with whom I had to collaborate.” But this approach is often short-sighted and can lead to the loss of potentially profitable orders.


Of course, the specific conditions for completing the test task are important. Not always such conditions are reasonable and acceptable. A free test article is one thing, and a voluminous philosophical treatise that you are offered to perform to evaluate your skills is another. In the second case, it may be worth giving up and looking for another, more realistic employer.


You should also not be shy to ask for a positive feedback on your work in case of successful cooperation.


What if for some reason you were not able to meet the requirements of the customer? It should be borne in mind that the customer, as a permanent member of the community, is probably more authoritative than you. Therefore, undoubtedly, most of the participants will listen to his opinion rather than yours.


If during a conflict situation you are unable to resolve it in your favor and defend your own point of view, then it makes sense to recall one of the rules for maintaining the brand, which says that it is easier to create a new brand than restore the old one. Since you have been called an unprofessional performer, it will probably be prudent not to engage in justifiable discussions, but to begin to build a reputation all over again by registering again under a different name.


No need to discount the passive way of finding a customer. To do this, in the signature on the forum, you can leave a link with a description of your services and continue to just competently communicate, following the professional presentation of your thoughts during the discussions.

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