Business Communication and Ethics

How to get support for small businesses

How to get support for small businesses

Video: How to Use Instagram Support Small Business Sticker - New Instagram Update 2024, July

Video: How to Use Instagram Support Small Business Sticker - New Instagram Update 2024, July

Support for beginning small businesses is provided in all regions of the Russian Federation. However, its size, requirements for applicants and a set of documents confirming them are everywhere different. Among the general points, it can be noted that no more than 1-2 years must pass from the moment of registration of the applicant as an entrepreneur or the establishment of a company by him.


You will need

  • - documents confirming your compliance with the requirements for applicants for subsidies (depending on the region);

  • - business plan;

  • - constituent documents of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur.

Instruction manual


Detailed information on the conditions for granting a subsidy for business development and requirements for applicants can be obtained from the business development agency of your region. It can also be presented on the website of the local department or the department of economic development.


A common point for all regions can be called the fact that the business plan everywhere serves as the basis for deciding who to give money to. According to this document they will then also check whether the money has been spent on the goals specified in it or not. Agency consultants will help with the preparation of the business plan. They will give general recommendations, but they can (and need) to show a draft version of the document and subsequent ones as corrections are made and until the existing comments are completely eliminated.


The full package of documents is then provided to the agency or directly to the department, depending on the region, for making a decision. In some cases, it may also be necessary to present your project to the commission, which will decide to whom to provide the subsidy. In case of a positive decision and allocation of funds, it will be necessary to report on how much this money has been spent.
