
How to get state support for small business

How to get state support for small business

Video: Every Way to Get Small Business Grants in 2020! (Local, State, and Federal Grants) 2024, July

Video: Every Way to Get Small Business Grants in 2020! (Local, State, and Federal Grants) 2024, July

The main question that arises for beginning entrepreneurs is financial. Where can I get start-up capital, if there is a good business idea, the forces for its implementation, energy and people who will help? Many refuse the idea to create their own business precisely because of the lack of funds for its development. Many believe that without their own investments, nothing can work out. But we should not forget that the state today actively supports novice entrepreneurs. By contacting the Employment Center, you can get state support for small businesses.


Instruction manual


To get state support for small business, you need to get unemployed status. To do this, contact the Employment Service at the place of registration, register as unemployed and wait about two weeks. If no suitable vacancies are found for you during this time, you will be given unemployment status. After that, you can either receive unemployment benefits every month, or you will be offered self-employment as the opening of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.


After you receive unemployment status, undergo psychological testing to be prepared to run your own business. Based on the results of this test, the Employment Service will make a preliminary decision on the grant or non-grant of a subsidy for the development of small businesses, so take the test as seriously as possible. Get enough sleep before passing the test, be as honest and serious as possible. In this way you will be tested for preparedness for starting your own business in terms of psychology and knowledge of economic fundamentals.


If knowledge in the field of business is not enough, but psychologically you are ready to start a business, you will be asked to undergo training in any of the local educational institutions, where you will be taught the basics of accounting, working with personnel and other skills necessary for a businessman. Training is free, because the state is interested in the development of small business and is ready to help it grow.


The next step is to draw up a business plan and protect it in front of the host committee. A sample business plan will be provided to you by the Employment Service, and they will also tell you about the basic requirements for it. The business plan will need to describe in detail all the costs that are planned in the first months after opening your own business. This business plan will need to be protected before a commission of several people. The easiest way is to get a subsidy for starting a business in agriculture and in socially significant areas. If the commission approves your business plan, you will receive a subsidy in the amount of 58, 800 rubles and compensation for state fees paid for registration of a legal entity or as an individual entrepreneur.


The activities of an enterprise opened with the support of the Employment Center should be carried out for at least one year. If the company closes earlier, the subsidy will have to be returned in full.

Useful advice

If you hire a person who is also registered with the Employment Office, the amount of the subsidy will double.
