
How to prepare for an SES test

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How to prepare for an SES test

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To avoid fines for violation of sanitary standards, you need to know what documents will need to be presented to SES employees. It is important to carry out work on the concluded contracts in time, and to have the relevant Acts available.


SES inspections can be scheduled and unscheduled. In the first case, the organization, which the inspectors will soon visit, is warned about their visit no later than three business days before the appointed time. In the event of a consumer complaint, the inspection may come unexpectedly, without any warning. The total inspection period may not exceed 20 business days. It is extended only in exceptional cases and no more than for the same period.

What documents may an SES inspector require?

Within three years from the beginning of its activity, an economic entity may not worry about sudden or planned inspections of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and all other inspections. However, from the very beginning of his work, an entrepreneur needs to get used to keeping in order all the documents that need to be presented to the inspectors.

These are various sanitary documentation: a production control program, a contract for inspection, disinfection and cleaning of ventilation, for disinfestation and disinfection, for garbage disposal, for processing and washing of work clothes. It is important that the register of disinfectants is completed in a timely and correct manner, that protocols of instrumental studies, a sanitary passport of the facility, and a sanitary and epidemiological report on the type of activity are available.

If fluorescent lamps are used in the room, a contract for their disposal will be required. We should not forget that according to the contracts submitted to the inspectors, appropriate work should be carried out. Therefore, it will be necessary to provide Acts attesting to their implementation. If the premises are rented in preparation for the inspection of the SES, you must request from the landlord all the necessary documents to ensure that the facility has sanitary conditions that are in accordance with the law.
