Business Communication and Ethics

How to reflect services

How to reflect services

Video: The Value of Self-Reflection | James Schmidt | TEDxUniversityofGlasgow 2024, July

Video: The Value of Self-Reflection | James Schmidt | TEDxUniversityofGlasgow 2024, July

When making a presentation about the services of a company focused on a specific client, when drawing up a specific commercial offer, as well as in dialogue with a potential partner, the correct reflection of services is of no small importance. The more faithfully and clearly they are voiced, the greater the likelihood of a deal being concluded both in the short and long term. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach this issue, and only after serious preparation.


Instruction manual


First of all, you must know exactly and definitely what services your company is capable of providing. The slightest gap or lack of knowledge can disrupt a serious deal, which cannot positively affect the success of your company.


Perform a preliminary analysis of the client company. Find out what she is doing, the history of her development, the prospects that she sees, as well as her needs at this point in time. Also, an important factor is the prospects that she does not see at the moment. Record all information carefully. The more accurate it is, the easier it will be for you to process this information in the future.


Revise the description of services based on the needs of the company in the short and long term, avoiding the rationale. Your task is to prepare the services in such a way that to the person with whom you are conducting a dialogue, all this will seem like a stunning coincidence, and not the work done to attract him to the transaction. The more carefully you hide the traces of deep analysis, the more deafening the result will be.


Improvise at the presentation. Remember that the more you rely on the client’s words about what he needs, the more reasons you give him consent. Here is a very simple logic: if you do not rely on the words of the client, you give him a reason to object, and if you rely, then a reason for agreement.
