
How to open your billiard room

How to open your billiard room

Billiard business is a profitable type of activity, which, however, requires some knowledge in this area from its owner. If, of course, your goal is to entertain the public on one of the main streets of the city on a weekend, then understanding the intricacies of the game is not necessary. But there are too many similar establishments, so there is a much greater chance of success for someone who can declare and confirm the high status of their billiard room.


You will need

  • 1. Room with a minimum area of ​​250 m2
  • 2. Billiard tables with a full set of accessories for them (at least ten pieces, both for the "pool" and for Russian billiards)
  • 3. Bar counter and chairs
  • 4. Contracts for the supply of alcohol and products
  • 5. Staff (minimum - 5 people)

Instruction manual


Decide on the type of billiard room that you intend to open. The simplest option is an entertainment venue for the general public, where the bar plays a role no less important than billiard tables. The institution of a purely sports plan, in which tournaments are held, collects a good amount each time from the contributions of their participants, but it is better to organize it for people who themselves play billiards professionally, and only to them. Finally, the third way is the “premium” billiard room, designed for a well-to-do audience, placing higher demands on the level of service.


Learn as much as you can about what are the tables and accessories for billiards before buying equipment. In any self-respecting billiard room, there should be tables both for fans of the "American", and for those who prefer Russian billiards. The total number of billiard tables that you will need to purchase must be no less than ten. Buy high-quality and new equipment - the range of prices for accessories for billiards is very large, but do not give in to the temptation to save money at the start.


Find ways to solve the problem associated with the selection of qualified personnel - primarily with regard to markers. These employees should not only be connoisseurs of billiards, but also people who know how to find a common language with customers. The rest of the “cadres” for the billiard room is simpler - bartenders, security, administrators and accountants are represented on the labor market much more widely.


Buy a bar and allocate part of the space for a bar - it is believed that it brings the owner of the institution as much as the hourly fee for the game. The dimensions of the billiard room should allow you to place a rack and bar stools in it for those who want to drink and have a snack between two parties. Of course, you need to take care of the purchase of alcohol and snacks, making a mark-up for this product that is adequate to the status of your establishment.

Useful advice

Remember that billiard tables should be illuminated with electric light so that the shadows of the balls do not prevent players from aiming before a hit, otherwise experienced “billiards” will not appreciate your efforts to equip the establishment.

You can increase the income from the billiard room by organizing a full-fledged kitchen with it and providing customers with hot dishes - this, of course, will require additional costs for equipment and staff salaries, but such an initiative will soon pay off.

How to open a billiard room
