
How to open your open-air cinema

How to open your open-air cinema

Video: Open Air Cinema Training Video (Part 1) 2024, July

Video: Open Air Cinema Training Video (Part 1) 2024, July

In the USA, cinemas for motorists have long been popular, and in Russia they are just beginning to appear. Therefore, this niche in business is practically not occupied. The competent organization of an open-air cinema can bring good profits.


You will need

  • - business plan;

  • - registration documents;

  • - area;

  • - equipment;

  • - staff;

  • - advertising.

Instruction manual


In order to open any business and avoid possible mistakes in the organization, it is necessary to draw up a business plan. In your project, calculate all the investments, try to predict the costs and possible profits. To do this, you will need to analyze the sales market in detail and prescribe a marketing plan. A business plan can also be useful for obtaining borrowed funds from a bank or attracting an investor.


Register with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur or open a limited liability company. In the future, from the documents you will also need a license to rent films for work.


Choose a suitable platform for the cinema. It can be located near a large shopping center, in the city center, near a major highway and other places where motorists gather. The territory of the open-air cinema should be asphalted or have good drainage, convenient entry and exit, road markings. To make it convenient for viewers to watch the movie from any place, you can equip the site with ramps that raise the front of the car.


You will need cash registers. They may be electronic, or your staff will charge you for entry. It is also good if there is a fast-food cafe on the territory, because related services can bring even more profit than movie rental itself.


The main equipment of an automobile cinema is a projector, a translator and a screen. You can save on the latter by projecting images onto the light wall of a nearby shopping center.


Hire cinema staff. You will need a cashier, a seller in a fast food cafe, a technician, a cleaning lady, an accountant.


Advertising must be placed in crowded places of potential customers. The audience will be attracted by flyers and business cards at gas stations, auto repair and maintenance services, and car washes. You can also place ads in local media.


If you decide to become the owner of an open-air cinema, then it should be borne in mind that in Russia the demand for its services is related to the season. It is unlikely that it will be convenient for your customers to watch a movie with the engine turned on, so you will work from one hundred to one hundred and fifty days a year.

equipment for car theaters
