
How to open water production

How to open water production

Video: How to Start a Mineral Water Business | Including Free Mineral Water Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Mineral Water Business | Including Free Mineral Water Business Plan Template 2024, July

Water production may be the best choice for those who want to start their own business, but are not ready to spend too much time on it. This area allows you not to give up your own hobbies, spending on business only a few hours daily.


Instruction manual


Agree to conduct a paid examination of the water source that you will use in production. Such an analysis requires quite serious financial costs, however, it is precisely this that is the starting point for the subsequent selection of the equipment necessary for water treatment. The worse, according to the results of the examination, the water in your source, the more complex and expensive equipment will be needed to properly clean it. After all, quality water is not only the health of customers, but also your reputation and, therefore, profit.


Get the equipment you need for your production. For the treatment of water, special treatment filters will be needed. To make your own containers, you can use a machine that blows bottles from small plastic blanks. You will also need an apparatus that will bottled the finished purified water in bottles, since this procedure is quite laborious and not too hygienic.


Find a suitable room. The water production business is not connected with the implementation of any particularly complicated procedures, therefore, too much space will not be required. The room will need to be conditionally divided into two zones, in one of which the water will undergo the necessary treatment, and in the other it will be bottled in prepared containers. The conditions in the office building must comply with the requirements of the local sanitary and epidemiological service in order to permit the production of water and its sale.


Hire production staff. And if even relatives can be attracted to simple vacancies, such as couriers delivering water to customers, then you still cannot do with other posts without professionals. First of all, you need to hire a specialist in the repair of installed equipment, which has passed a special training course on its operation. It also does not hurt to get an accountant. You can hire a manager whose responsibility will be to find new customers.


Create a name for your brand. Sound and catchy name that attracts the attention of customers, can mean half the success of the entire production. A successful logo plays an equally important role. It can be made in any color scheme and any style, it is only important that the logo matches the spirit of the name of your brand. For an energetic name, a bright, colorful logo is suitable, for a more business-like one, strict, classic.


Provide water production with advertising support. You can create a website dedicated to your products, where potential customers will learn about its advantages over competitors' products. Place several posters and billboards around the city. Advertising in newspapers can also attract attention, especially if you want to supply water to employees of various offices. To quickly and effectively promote your brand, contact an advertising agency.
