
How to open a holiday agency

How to open a holiday agency

Video: How to start a tour company 2024, June

Video: How to start a tour company 2024, June

Previously, as a rule, a host was simply invited to a wedding, a children's party or a corporate party. Now, with the advent of holiday agencies, this service sector has reached a more serious level. A holiday agency is a profitable business, but there is quite fierce competition in it, both between the agencies themselves and between the agencies and well-established private owners.


Instruction manual


The most important thing you will need to create a holiday agency is communication with people who have acting talents and who can and want to entertain people. They usually have the necessary props (costumes, gifts for contests). Organizing holidays can only be part of your business. After all, there are still festive paraphernalia, for example, bouquets for brides, decoration of restaurants.


You can specialize in certain holidays (for example, weddings) or open a multidisciplinary agency. The latter option seems to be more profitable. But for this it will be necessary to keep in touch with a large number of leaders who will take part in organizing children's parties and corporate parties. Pop stars are often invited to the latter, so it makes sense to hire a manager who would work with them.


Holiday organizers and designers do not need an office to work. Therefore, you will need a very small room - for meetings with customers, accounting, managers. Negotiations with clients usually take place at the agency’s office, so it’s advisable to make it easy to drive to your premises.


For the first time, 2-3 leading and the same number of designers will be enough for your agency. All of them will work remotely. They will need to pay for their work in piecework (for each project). In addition to them, you will need to hire an accountant (part-time) and a manager who will look for clients and meet with them, as well as discuss work with performers. It is advisable that the manager has experience in such a service industry.


Promoting a holiday agency should be via the Internet (contextual advertising of your site, group on social networks) and by phone. The latter will be needed only for the first time, because a few months after the start of your work, customers will find out about you through word of mouth. To alert companies, you can hire additional staff.


By law, any business needs state registration. The easiest way is to register as an individual entrepreneur. You can do this at the tax office at the place of registration. The state registration fee is 800 rubles.

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