
How to open a sawmill

How to open a sawmill

Video: Sawmill School - Making Your First Cut on Your Sawmill 2024, July

Video: Sawmill School - Making Your First Cut on Your Sawmill 2024, July

The most profitable material in the construction business was and remains a tree, so the demand for it is quite large. Opening your own sawmill in such a situation can be very profitable.


Instruction manual


First of all, it is necessary to rent land with an area of ​​at least 30 acres. Warehouses for raw materials and finished products will be located here, access roads will be equipped, the sawmill itself and a shelter from rainfall will be directly equipped. When placing these objects on the territory, it is necessary to calculate the logistics of movement so that nothing interferes with the smooth operation of the sawmill, for example, the canopy should be installed so that nothing interferes with the loading and unloading process. A change house and a bathroom for workers should also be placed on the territory.


The next stage is the purchase of equipment. It is necessary to determine the type of machine that will be purchased. Belt machines are considered the most economical, they are quite cheap and very economical, however, in the process, they require frequent replacement of the sawing tape.

For use in the household and in a small business, it is enough to purchase a circular sawmill. They are also economical and mobile. The disadvantage is the need to purchase a large number of individual nozzles.

You can purchase the so-called frame machines. The purchase of such an installation is justified with a large volume of production. Such machines have the most drawbacks, they consume a lot of electricity and leave a large amount of waste, in addition, they are very difficult to install.


Profitability of production will depend on many factors. Firstly, it is necessary to take into account that the volume of finished products is approximately half the volume of raw materials used in production, usually, profit appears when production volumes exceed seven hundred cubic meters. You can increase the income from the sawmill by saving on raw materials and wages for workers. The cost of raw materials can be significantly reduced if the plot is acquired as a property, thereby using our own wood in production. The wages of workers at the sawmill, as a rule, is piece-rate, so there is no need to pay money in case of downtime.
