
How to open a gun shop

How to open a gun shop

Video: Before You Open a Gun Shop, Here Are A Few Tips 2024, July

Video: Before You Open a Gun Shop, Here Are A Few Tips 2024, July

Anyone who is going to engage in the sale of "civilian" weapons (as opposed to military) should remember that this kind of activity is under the scrutiny of the internal affairs bodies. Interior Ministry officials will not only “accept” a store equipped for arms trade before it opens, but will then regularly conduct checks and collect the most detailed sales statistics from you.


You will need

  • - license to sell civilian weapons;

  • - a room with a trading floor and a specially equipped weapons room;

  • - a set of commercial equipment to order;

  • - agreement with UVO for the provision of security services;

  • - One or two qualified sales consultants.

Instruction manual


Search for a room that meets the mandatory equipment requirements for a weapons store. Its area should be at least 100 m2, while a separate room without windows, with a wall thickness of at least 300 millimeters, is mandatory. Such a weapons room in the finished form is unlikely to be available in many rooms that you can rent, so provide a separate expense item for serious repairs and redevelopment.


Collect the package of documents necessary to obtain a license for the right to sell "civilian" weapons from the relevant Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among other things, you will need a permit to inspect all the weapons storage rooms that you will use in your work. In addition to the employees of the licensing department, the “good” will have to be given by specialists from the Fire Inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.


Order trading equipment for your future weapons store, give this issue as much attention as possible. The fact is that usually such a store strongly resembles a museum - for the exposition of goods, expensive showcases, stands, shelving made of the highest quality materials are used. Also, to create a greater effect, the goods put up for sale in the arms store should be highlighted.


Connect the weapons store to the remote control alarm of private security, separately bring the alarm to each closed display case. Install metal grilles on all windows (a mandatory requirement of the inspection bodies), the door of the weapons room should also be metal and have a specialized locking structure. Having prepared all this, you can finally safely bring the first batch of goods and start working.

Useful advice

To attract customers and additional “promotion” of the weapons store, professionals recommend opening a shooting range with it, which, in addition, will also bring additional income.

Own business: Gun shop
