
How to open a window sales office

How to open a window sales office

Video: Apple at Work — The Underdogs 2024, July

Video: Apple at Work — The Underdogs 2024, July

The concept of "double-glazed windows" appeared in everyday speech about 10 years ago. During this time, people from different social strata were able to appreciate the merits of such windows. Despite the apparent glut of the market, entrepreneurs continue to register window companies. Is there any algorithm for doing this? Or open an office for the sale of windows for anyone.


Instruction manual


Register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Firstly, this is a prerequisite for conducting legitimate business activities. Secondly, without a document confirming registration with the tax office, you will not be able to conclude a contract for office rental.


Do some marketing research in your city. Find out how many window sales companies are already working, where their offices are located, what range they offer and prices for it. Based on the data received, select the area of ​​the city in which there are no your competitors.


Conclude an agreement with the window supplier. Of course, it is more profitable if you have the opportunity to organize production yourself. But this option involves additional cash and labor costs.


Sign an office lease. At the initial stage, 10-15 square meters are enough. m. After all, you only need to organize 1-2 jobs and equip them with office equipment.


Take care of advertising. This outdoor advertising (signboard, light boxes, pillars), and ads in the media (about opening a new office, discounts, special offers), and leaflets to nearby houses.


Find a manager. In the first few months of work, you yourself can be: sit in the office, receive calls, advertise both in print media and on information sites in your city. In the future, when the company reaches a certain income, it is better to find 1-2 managers. Salary can be fixed - salary or depend on revenue. In the latter case, the motivational moment increases, and managers will not just sit back at the workplace, but will want to look for customers.


The competition in this field of activity is high, and therefore you must develop a unique offer that will stand out with something: discounts, a service, a bonus system, a peculiar assortment.

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