
How to open a denim clothing store

How to open a denim clothing store

Video: How to Start a Jeans Business | Including Free Jeans Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Jeans Business | Including Free Jeans Business Plan Template 2024, July

Denim clothing is always in fashion, as it is practical, comfortable and relatively inexpensive. Maintaining the assortment, convenient location of the premises and arranging regular deliveries - these are the things that an entrepreneur who decided to open a jeans store should pay attention to.


Instruction manual


To start trading jeans clothes (as, indeed, any other) should be with the assessment and analysis of the existing market. You will need to first find out which brands customers prefer and at what prices. To do this, be sure to check out the assortment presented in competitors' stores. Calculate the dynamics of sales, so as not to open a store in one of the so-called "dead seasons" (usually this is January, the time of holiday savings; July, the time for vacations).


Make a business plan for your store. Calculate the approximate level of expenses, income and profit. Decide whether you will work independently or enter the franchise system. It depends, firstly, on how you have the means, and secondly, what kind of sales you plan. After all, if the business "does not go" even under a franchise, then there will simply be nothing to pay royalties to. But then you will not have problems with suppliers and advertising.


If you have not registered an IP, do so by contacting the tax office. You can get additional funds for opening a store by contacting a bank for a loan and providing a reliable guarantee or guarantee.


Rent a suitable room. In the city center you have to pay a lot for rent. But, if you do not raise prices too much, the turnover of capital will accelerate. Maintaining a store in sleeping areas or even on the market will cost less, but be prepared for the fact that in order to increase the pace of sales you will have to arrange sales from almost every purchase price.


Buy or rent commercial equipment and find suppliers of goods. If you have entered the franchising system of one of the well-known companies, you will not have to worry about this. And you should look for suppliers by ads in the media and on the Internet. If you want to work directly, you will have to constantly be on the road, as it is possible to buy jeans profitably with a view to their subsequent resale only in Turkey, China, Italy, etc. (depending on which brands and quality you decide to focus on).


Find good sellers who would understand not only the rules of trade, but also in fashion. Since, despite the fact that jeans will never become obsolete, designers offer something new in every season. And so that the sales level does not decrease, you and your employees will have to constantly monitor all changes in the fashion world and arrange sales on time in order to replace the collection.

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