
How to open a beauty salon

How to open a beauty salon

Video: How I opened my Salon (including how much I spent!) | Hairstylist Business Tips 2024, July

Video: How I opened my Salon (including how much I spent!) | Hairstylist Business Tips 2024, July

Most of humanity cares about its appearance, paying particular attention to the beauty of the face and body. Neither time, nor effort, nor money is spared on perfecting their appearance. Therefore, the cosmetic business always has a high level of demand, and, consequently, profitability.


You will need

  • - business plan;

  • - registration and permits;

  • - premises;

  • - equipment and supplies;

  • - staff;

  • - advertising.

Instruction manual


To open any business you need to draw up a business plan. Calculate the profitability of the future beauty salon, evaluating the investment, fixed and variable costs, turnover. A good business plan is already half the battle, because it is only up to the implementation of the idea clearly described in paragraphs.


Register with the tax office. You can become an individual entrepreneur or founder of a legal entity. Pay particular attention to the choice of tax system. It is most profitable to pay imputed income tax or work with a simplified tax system.


Buy or rent a suitable room. It should be in a passageway, best in the city center, have a good approach and access. When choosing, be sure to consider the availability or possibility of connecting communications.


Buy all the necessary cosmetology equipment. If you are not a professional in this matter, seek help from a specialist who will work for you.


Find suppliers of various cosmetics and other supplies and conclude contracts with them.


If you are not going to serve clients yourself, then you should find a good beautician. A specialist in a beauty salon must have a basic medical education and a medical book. It is advisable that the future employee have a diploma of completing additional courses over the past two to three years.


Make a price list for the services of your salon. When developing it, you should be guided by the target audience with which you want to work, the size of costs and the prices of competitors.


Before starting work, get permits from the sanitary-epidemiological service and the fire department.


Take care of the promotion of the cabin. Use all available types of advertising: hang a catchy sign, install a pillar, place ads in local periodicals, post ads in specially designated places, distribute leaflets on crowded streets, post information on the Internet on your page. Be sure to make a set of business cards, they can not only be given to visitors to the salon, but also distributed through hairdressers, tanning salons and the like. Do not forget about various promotions and discounts for regular customers.
