
How to open a cafe for children

How to open a cafe for children

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Children love games, sweets and fairy tales. In a good children's cafe, caring adults can easily find all this for their kids. How to please the kids and open a cafe in which they will strive again and again?


Instruction manual


Carry out the necessary market research for goods and services for children in your city. There are usually few children's cafes in the middle city, therefore, if you correctly calculate the prospects of your business, then very soon your company will begin to make a profit. Remember: you need to focus not only on children, but also on adults who will pay the bill. Therefore, the prices in your cafe should not be high. Register the legal entity and KKM in tax authorities. Come up with an interesting name for a kids cafe.


Choose a suitable room for the cafe. Do not save on rent and find a room in the city center or near an amusement park. The room may also have a summer terrace, although in this case you will have to agree on a lease of land.


Get opinions from Rospotrebnadzor and the fire department. If you rent a room in which a catering company already existed, be sure to check its technological passport, and in case of inconsistencies (for example, lack of ventilation), re-register it in Rospotrebnadzor and re-equip it. In addition, you will need to conclude agreements on waste collection, planned disinfestation and disinfestation. Since you plan to open a cafe for children, in this case you will not need to issue any licenses, except for permission to trade.


Children should, having come to a cafe with their parents, feel themselves in a fairy tale. Therefore, invite experts and order the appropriate design project for the room. If possible, equip a games room and a small podium for games and competitions.


Buy all the necessary equipment for the kitchen and cafe hall. Choose furniture and utensils for children (bright, with beautiful stickers). Arrange with suppliers for the supply of products or semi-finished products. Be sure to check the availability of certificates of conformity and quality for each product name.


Hire staff (chief accountant, cashier, cooks, confectioners, waiters). Your staff must have a teacher or psychologist, as well as animators. If funds permit, design branded clothing for your employees.


Do not forget that your customers are children. Constantly organize contests, quizzes, give out gifts.

how to open a kids cafe in 2019
