Business Communication and Ethics

How to refuse a buyer

How to refuse a buyer

Video: eBay Buyer Refused Shipment From USPS With No eBay Return Request - LuHustles 2024, July

Video: eBay Buyer Refused Shipment From USPS With No eBay Return Request - LuHustles 2024, July

“The customer is always right” - this is the basic rule that guides bona fide sellers. However, there will always be an exception. If you cannot serve the customer for any reason, he should be refused. Moreover, this must be done competently and politely.


Instruction manual


Make sure you cannot sell the product to this buyer. This should be guided by the law, the charter of the organization or moral principles. For example, before you refuse to buy a tobacco product, you should make sure that he has not reached the age of majority, and only after that tell him that you cannot serve him.


Be extremely polite when you refuse. Unfortunately, now very often you can encounter rudeness and rudeness. After such an attitude, the desire to revisit the store disappears. The result of your refusal should not be a negative attitude towards the organization in which you work.


In no case do not raise your voice and do not shout at the buyer. Remember that in your person you are a representative of the company. Before you give vent to your feelings and emotions, you should make sure that they do not negatively affect the image of your company.


Do not take the buyer as an enemy. Do not think that he wants to cause you any inconvenience or difficulty. The more suspicious you are, the more difficult it will be for you to refuse.


Explain the reasons why you cannot sell this or that product to the buyer. Your argument should be clear and logical, so that the client understands why they refuse to serve him.


Indicate to the buyer the conditions under which you can serve him. For example, you can say that today your store has already finished working, but tomorrow at such and such hours you will be happy to serve a client who is late today.


If the buyer behaves violently and does not want to listen to your explanations, contact the guard and ask her representatives to withdraw the client from the store. At the same time, try to keep yourself in control until help comes to the rescue.
