
How to organize a book release

How to organize a book release

Video: How to Arrange a Book Signing 2024, July

Video: How to Arrange a Book Signing 2024, July

The publication of any book can be divided into two stages: the preparation of the content and the actual publishing activity. In addition, the published book must also be correctly presented to the public.


You will need

  • - a computer,

  • - programs for editing, layout, image processing,

  • - printing services.

Instruction manual


You can, of course, write in the old fashioned way with a pen on paper. But all publishing processes have long been computerized. Therefore, if you have exactly the manuscript in your hands, then first type it in the form of a file or files. Do it yourself in any text editor or hire a professional typesetter.

Typed text, as a rule, needs editing. Use the literary editor as a fresh mind. He will be able to see repetitions, stylistic errors, ambiguities, etc. In addition, show the text to the corrector. He will not interfere with the meaning, but will correct only spelling errors and punctuation.


Think about the design and composition of the book. You can entrust this stage to the publishing house, where there are specialists in prepress. If you plan to publish books all the time, then hire your own specialists: layout designer, designer, and build editor. You can try to master the appropriate programs yourself. But these are quite complex specialties that require many skills and knowledge.

Often, illustrations make a book unique. Take interest in your idea of ​​a true artist. Original illustrations can turn a future book into a real event in the publishing world, and it will be easier for you to organize its distribution. In addition, a properly illustrated cover directly affects sales or readers' desire to pick up a book.


Further steps depend on whether you are an entrepreneur or an individual. If this is a one-time project for you and you do not want to register as an entrepreneur, conclude an agreement with the publisher to publish your book. And in the future, control the process of preparing the book as a customer.

If you are an entrepreneur, conclude a contract with the printing house. Discuss and shorten the technical characteristics of the book: soft or hard cover, format, paper quality, circulation. All this directly affects the cost of the order.

Think about a distribution system. If the project is non-profit, then make a selection of addresses to which you will distribute it. It can be libraries, scientific or educational institutions. Commercial distribution will require contracts with book distributors and the promotion of your publication.

Think over the advertising campaign of your project. The smallest budgets require online advertising. Organize a press conference on the release of the book. With the right submission, you can count on free reviews. After that, the implementation of the book should go easier.


Define the target audience of your book. Different readers require different approaches in publishing and promotion.

Tips for publishing books at your own expense
