
How to organize your wholesale warehouse

How to organize your wholesale warehouse

Video: How I Organize My Online Boutique 2024, July

Video: How I Organize My Online Boutique 2024, July

Starting your own business is a good way to change your life, increase income, become your own boss. The choice of options for doing business is huge, but if you like stability and confidence, it is worth trying to open a small wholesale warehouse.


Instruction manual


Wholesale trade is an inevitable component of any sale. However, only a few large wholesalers or manufacturers directly work with small points that sell goods at retail. An intermediate link in this chain is almost always a small wholesale warehouse. The meaning of his work is to get a sufficiently large volume of goods from manufacturers, which is then distributed between retail stores.


In order to open your wholesale warehouse, first of all you will need to decide on the group of goods that you intend to sell. Depending on this, one should choose a warehouse area, storage conditions, and solve logistical issues. For example, various snacks, which have a long shelf life, do not require special facilities, and are quite popular with retailers, are a good choice.


After making a preliminary analysis of the market, proceed to register your company and obtain the appropriate permits. Please note that special attention is paid to wholesalers selling medicines, but for the storage of food products there are certain requirements that should be clarified in advance at the SES. Now you need to find a room for the warehouse. Such a premises can be rented, bought or built independently. Naturally, in the latter case, a number of approvals and permits will be needed, as well as additional funds. When choosing the finished area, proceed from the estimated volume of stored products, both at the initial stage and after the development of your business, so that you do not suddenly have to move because of an increase in turnover.


Once you have found a suitable room, you can begin to interact with suppliers. Ideally, you need to find those who agree to ship the goods for sale, and not at one hundred percent prepayment. Also important is the method of delivery of goods from the supplier to your warehouse. As a rule, pickup is cheaper, but in this case you also need your own or hired freight transport, which entails additional costs. In addition, it is necessary to solve issues with internal logistics, the organization of warehouse accounting, accounting. And, of course, find buyers - either on their own, or with the help of sales representatives. Finally, you need freight forwarders to deliver goods to retail stores. Make sure that your prices are competitive, otherwise your warehouse will not be of interest to anyone.

Useful advice

Make the most detailed business plan that takes into account all the possible nuances in order not to be surprised at low profits, especially at the initial stage.
