
How to organize staff meals

How to organize staff meals

Video: How I Create My Weekly Meal Plans 2024, July

Video: How I Create My Weekly Meal Plans 2024, July

The success of the company, its image and solidity can be judged not only by the financial and economic performance indicators, but also by how the catering of its employees is organized. Agree that you can often see a situation when, turning to the organization’s office, you find employees hastily snacking at their workplace. This is seen as evidence that management is not very concerned about the problems of its employees, and may scare potential customers.


Instruction manual


To organize the catering of your employees, you should contact a company specializing in catering. This type of business is quite common and the services that such companies offer are wide - from the organization of buffets and hot meals, to the provision of corporate canteens. Depending on your financial capabilities, the number of employees and the premises in which your company’s office is located, you can organize their meals in several ways.


In the event that you have the opportunity to allocate several separate rooms at the enterprise (warehouse area, procurement workshop, sales area, washing and kitchen), you can organize a full-cycle hospital. If you don’t have the opportunity to allocate space for a warehouse for cooking food, you can deliver products from the warehouse of the company that, under the agreement, provides food for your employees.


You can also save space and organize a pre-type catering facility. It uses semi-finished products and specially processed food, which is made at the contractor and delivered to a special room - the dining room, at the agreed time. Semi-finished products are heated in the microwave in the dining room, and staff will have the opportunity to dine on hot dishes.


If your company has a place to set up dinner tables, set up a distribution line and equip a washing department, then you can arrange for hot food in hermetically packed containers to be delivered for dinner. In this case, you need to choose a contractor company, which is located near the office, whose car can reach it in no more than half an hour. Please note that the distribution of food by the contractor is executed separately and is considered an independent type of service.


To an enterprise in which it is not possible to allocate a separate room - a trading room or a dining room - food can be delivered in lunch boxes. In any case, you will have to equip a place for distribution of food in accordance with existing sanitary standards.

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