
How to organize a collection agency

How to organize a collection agency

Video: Credit & Collections Management : How To Transform Your Business & Improve Cash Flow 2024, July

Video: Credit & Collections Management : How To Transform Your Business & Improve Cash Flow 2024, July

According to the layman, employees of a company specializing in debt collection are men of strong physique with baseball bats in their hands. In fact, in agencies that provide collection services, they know dozens of ways to reason with the deadbeat without resorting to brute force. And by helping people repay debts legally, you can make very good money.


You will need

  • IP registration certificate and bank account
  • Standard equipped office
  • Car for "working" trips
  • Several employees, including a professional lawyer
  • Base of potential clients

Instruction manual


Settle in some room, the rental of which will not cost a lot of money. The office does not require any special equipment - only furniture, several telephones and computers. The main tool of the collection company’s employees is ingenuity and a good knowledge of laws, so personnel will decide everything in your business, not technical equipment.


Find your helpers - those who, in fact, will act on forgetful debtors. First of all, it is a qualified lawyer who knows by what means it is really possible to force non-payers to pay off receivables. The other employee (one or several) that you will need to have not certain qualifications, but rather a suitable set of personal qualities. This person will communicate both with the debtors themselves and with people from their environment - relatives and colleagues - in order to find additional leverage and resolve the issue before the harsh law intervenes.


Start actively offering your debt collection services to those who, in your opinion, most likely need them. First of all, these are credit organizations (banks) and trading companies, although some of them have their own departments for working with receivables. At the very beginning, you need to be able to make yourself known in business, and to get such a chance, take every opportunity and look for customers using direct selling technology.

Useful advice

The motivating factor for your employees should be the percentage they pay of the amount that the company receives for the completed order, the emphasis when paying wages should not be on the salary part, but rather on the "percent".

Try to look for customers among legal entities - serious companies, the conscientious fulfillment of obligations to which your company is not in doubt, otherwise the collection agency itself will need services to "beat out" the debts.

A review article about the features of the collection business.
