
How to organize a farm

How to organize a farm

Video: How To Organize The Farm Work 2024, July

Video: How To Organize The Farm Work 2024, July

A well-organized agricultural business brings good profits. To organize your own farm you need to perform a series of actions and collect a package of documents. The list of documents will vary depending on the target orientation of the business.


You will need

  • -passport

  • -Application to the administration

  • - farmer's certificate or registration of legal entity

  • -Accordance with architecture

  • business plan and project

  • - permission from SES, firefighters and labor inspection

  • -resolution of the administration

  • -staff

Instruction manual


For example, to organize a farm with directed breeding and keeping cattle, you will need to buy farmland and get a farmer’s certificate. If the focus of the business is breeding small animals or a pig farm, then farmland and a farmer’s certificate are not required. Although the most profitable and profitable development is getting a business that is additionally aimed at growing its own animal feed.


For the maintenance of any animals will require land and a spacious building, built thorough, for breeding animals at any time of the year. For construction, you need to buy or rent land and coordinate the construction with the architecture and local administration.


To run an extensive business, you must obtain a farmer's certificate or register as a legal entity. As already mentioned above, for the breeding and maintenance of cattle, a farmer’s and farmland land certificate is required. Because cattle need to be grazed and to harvest large quantities of food for the winter.


A business plan and project will also be required. After receiving all the documents and completing construction work, permission should be obtained from the regional SES, firefighters, labor inspectorates.


With all the documents, contact the administration for a resolution on opening a farm.


For the farm, you will need to hire attendants who will directly take care of the animals, as well as an accountant, livestock specialist, veterinarian. If you additionally grow feed on your farmland, you will need to hire an agronomist, because without this specialist it is impossible to produce timely sowing and harvesting.
