
How to organize a repair business

How to organize a repair business

Video: Auto Repair Shop Business Plan - SECRETS REVEALED 2024, July

Video: Auto Repair Shop Business Plan - SECRETS REVEALED 2024, July

Business associated with the repair of premises will always be in demand. The construction of new houses, the development of the market of finishing materials, the popularization of interior design - all this contributes to dynamic growth in this area. A proper business in the field of repair and decoration with a competent organization will bring a steady income.


You will need

  • - start-up capital;

  • - instruments;

  • - the brigade.

Instruction manual


After registering your own company, join the SRO (self-regulatory organization) in the field of construction and overhaul of premises. Without this membership, legal repair activities are not possible today.


Buy the necessary inventory. Of the expensive tools you may need a screwdriver, puncher, grinder. In addition, you will need a sufficient number of consumable accessories - rollers, brushes, spatulas, levels, etc. Do not buy many tools at the same time: they may not be needed right away.


Recruit a team of workers. To complete small objects 3-4 people will be enough for you. It is desirable that the workers own most of the types of work performed (plastering, masonry, putty). One of the brigade members may not have certain qualifications and be in the position of a laborer: regardless of the type of repair, he will always be busy. For highly specialized works, such as electrics, plumbing, you can attract craftsmen from the outside.


Prepare document templates that you will sign with the customer. Among them: a contract, a specification for the work performed, an act of acceptance of the work performed. Master the budgeting business or find a specialist who will carry out estimates for your objects.


Understand all the administrative procedures that you and your customer will need to legally complete the work. For example, the legalization of redevelopment, the shutdown of water and heating. Even if you yourself will not resolve these issues, you should have a clear understanding of the procedures themselves.


Consider advertising your company. The repair and decoration services market is oversaturated enough, so your strategy should be considered. Post information about your company in periodicals related to real estate, design. Post ads in new construction areas. Create a company website on which you will lay out basic information and attach photographs of finished objects, if any.

Useful advice

Repair business is actively developing thanks to feedback from previous customers. Try to get your customers to recommend you to their friends.
