Business management

How to organize outsourcing

How to organize outsourcing

Video: How To Organize the Outsourcing QA Team by Dmitriy Voloshin, QA Group Leader at Mobidev (UA) 2024, July

Video: How To Organize the Outsourcing QA Team by Dmitriy Voloshin, QA Group Leader at Mobidev (UA) 2024, July

Domestic companies have increasingly resorted to the services of outsourcing organizations. Their main task is to perform some of the functions of the customer company. In order for outsourcing to bring profit to your business, and not become a mistake, you need to know how to organize it correctly.


Instruction manual


Conduct a thorough market analysis of outsourcing companies. This is necessary in order to choose the one that will perform the tasks assigned to you most efficiently. Outsourcers, unlike contractors, are hired for the long term. As a rule, an agreement is concluded with them for at least a year. Therefore, you must be sure of your choice.


Define the functions that you plan to transfer to the hands of the selected company. Most organizations, trying to get rid of routine work, dump excessive volumes onto the shoulders of outsourcers. This can lead to the fact that the company will not cope well with its responsibilities, and you will lose more than you could gain.


Provide information to outsourcers about how you see the result of their activities. They should know what they should strive for, what tasks are assigned to them. A larger number of outsourcing companies are trying to take turnkey projects. Only a task is required of you, and the performers themselves will decide how and what they need to do.


Indicate the criteria by which you will determine the intermediate results of the work. If you are not completely sure of the competence and professionalism of the organization selected as an outsourcer, periodically check the progress of the work performed by it. This approach will help you make timely changes to the activities of outsourcers.


Provide all the necessary information for the successful implementation of the transferred functions. However, keep in mind that if you do not follow the progress of the work, it is likely that a situation will arise that will tie you to the services of this particular outsourcing company.


Build your work in such a way that at any time you can take back functions assigned to outsourcers. This is necessary to obtain a stable position in the event that the contract is terminated, and you will not find new outsourcers yet.

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