Business management

How to wholesale books

How to wholesale books

Video: Part 1 Of Our MASSIVE WHOLESALE BOOK DEPOT ORDER! Reselling Books on Amazon FBA 2020 2024, July

Video: Part 1 Of Our MASSIVE WHOLESALE BOOK DEPOT ORDER! Reselling Books on Amazon FBA 2020 2024, July

Book wholesale is the next step in the bookselling business after retail. Authors are also interested in the opportunity to sell their works in bulk, especially beginners and little-known ones. And, if entrepreneurs already have connections and business achievements, then for writers the wholesale sale of their creations seems to be an impossible task.


Instruction manual


Contact the publisher in which the books were printed for help. The presence of established relations with wholesalers and retailers of books allows the publisher to solve the problem of wholesale sales quite quickly and efficiently. Experience shows that it is easiest for an author to print books at his own expense to sell them through a publisher.


Please note that if you are a private person, wholesale without intermediaries will be difficult. This is due to the peculiarities of the organization of book trade in our country, as well as to the complexity of accounting reporting in the case of interaction between a legal entity and an individual. Therefore, consider the option of registering a legal entity in your name.


Also, do not forget that when applying for help in the wholesale sale of books to a publisher, you will be required to agree to the conditions proposed to you. As a rule, in each case they are negotiated personally. The publisher will take part of the proceeds from the sale in payment for the services rendered. And this will be a considerable percentage, because he will have to bear the costs of storage, transportation, and others.


Contact representatives of wholesale trading companies. However, for the above reasons, wholesale firms rarely take books for sale from a private person, unless the lot is very large. In addition, the term for the sale of goods will be quite long. For example, the receipt of books on store shelves is expected only in 1-1.5 months after their transfer to a wholesale company. And the payment of the party will arrive only after their implementation at retail points of sale.


Try to establish a wholesale sale over the Internet. But keep in mind at the same time that large online stores work with the same wholesale suppliers as regular retail companies. Therefore, their logistics service will not accept goods for sale from an individual. Get in touch with small and medium-sized sites that specialize in selling books.


Make your own website for wholesale and retail books. Today, creating a good resource is not a difficult task, and the effectiveness of such a trading method is high. In addition, many firms and private specialists can, for a moderate fee, help in creating and promoting the site.
