
How to determine the effectiveness of advertising

How to determine the effectiveness of advertising

Video: Measuring Advertising effectiveness - part 1 2024, July

Video: Measuring Advertising effectiveness - part 1 2024, July

"If the effectiveness of advertising could be really measured, then it would have long been capitalized by insurers, " says John Vandermake. The classic of advertising is right - there are still no universal methods for evaluating the effectiveness of advertising efforts. However, advertising did not remain completely without the attention of optimizers - the effectiveness in it is determined by some indirect parameters. Distinguish between communicative efficiency, which reflects the degree of psychological impact on people, and economic.


You will need

  • A focus group of 40-50 respondents selected in accordance with the principle of representativeness.
  • The results of the study of the target audience (CA), determining the characteristics of its typical representative.

Instruction manual


The most appropriate approach should be considered one in which methods for evaluating the effectiveness of advertising begin to be used even before the start of an advertising campaign. Here it is necessary to evaluate the psychological perception of the respondents. Give the focus group 3-5 options for advertising messages / announcements, setting them the task of subjective assessment on a 10-point scale.


The next test is also carried out before the launch of the advertisement. Invite the most typical representatives of your target audience and show them a selection of several advertising messages, including yours. At the end of the demonstration, ask for a memorable ad. Thus, the memorability of advertising messages is evaluated.


Next, we begin to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising directly during the campaign. The simplest is the method that determines the degree of attracting the attention of visitors. The observer notes everyone who paid attention to advertising over a period of time, and then calculates the degree of attraction, defined as the number of people who looked at the advertisement to the total number of people who passed by it.


In parallel with the previous test, conduct a customer survey during the advertising campaign. Respondents should be asked about exactly where they saw the ad.


At the end of the advertising campaign, its results are summarized using other methods. First of all, communicative indicators of advertising efficiency are calculated. The degree of implementation is defined as the number of people who remembered the advertisement to the number who did not remember it (the study itself is carried out by telephone surveys of people from the target audience a few days after the end of the advertising campaign).


After that, the Robinson method is used. 200 representatives of Central Asia are selected, who are presented with a list of advertised brands. Each respondent must answer the question of what he saw / read / heard in the advertising of this brand.


Each of the above methods relates to the assessment of communicative effectiveness. The economic calculation of the effectiveness of advertising is carried out by calculating the increase in the average daily turnover during and after advertising as a percentage of the original.

On the effectiveness of an advertising campaign
